Enjoying work

The alarm clock woke us at 07:30. Alex was so kind to go out and buy our breakfast baguettes on his own, so that I had time to wash my hair under freezing *ass water. We waited at 08:30 at the bus stop. Unfortunately we couldn’t take the first bus, even though it was the correct line, but it wouldn’t have stopped at our destination. The second bus arrived minutes later, cramped and full. The drive took longer than usual due to heavy traffic on the streets. Nevertheless we arrived at work on time. Johnny welcomed us and we went straight to work. Our task was to set up a SQL database and expand our knowledge of the syntax and various commands.


When Lili arrived it again was time for some more gifts. She brought us  black coffee, sweets and two pastries best described as Crème brûlée surrounded by a puff paste cupcake. After some more SQL and some troubleshooting it was time for lunch. Lunch consisted of tasty noodles and rice with a chicken-potato-sauce.


Poor Johnny was even ordered to fetch additional portions for us after Lili noticed how much we enjoyed the taste. At lunch we additionally discussed our plans for the beginning of the upcoming week, where we travel outside of Peking. We finished lunch and picked up right where we left of with our SQL task and quickly began to select, insert, delete and drop various entries all of the place.
After work Johnny invited us to dinner. A few minutes of walking and we turned into a small plain side road. We had arrived at our destination:

The contents of the dinner:

  • A fish-shaped cheese pudding with honey glazing
  • Smoked duck meat
  • Walnut-shaped pastry made of walnut and peanut
  • Roasted Beef Cubes
  • Pork Ribs
  • Salad with apple, tomatoes and nuts + amazing dressing
  • pear-honey-tea

All in all, we were amazed. This had to be the best meal yet.

When we left the crowded restaurant we noticed 10+ people waiting to even get seated.
Thus far our company and their employees have been truly, truly kind to us. <3

We took the bus home, stopped for some coldones, showered and are now enjoying the rest of the evening.

Hippity Hop To The Barber Shop
Lukas and Alex




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