The first Friday

Hey folks!

This is my first Friday in Ireland. In some companies, there is a so called „Casual Friday“ which means everybody can wear T-Shirt and jeans. Yesterday I was told that at Steria there is this „casual Friday“ so I’m sitting here in T-Shirt and jeans, although wearing a shirt and a smart trouser didn’t feel uncomfortable.

At Steria, all the staff has lunch together outside the office every Friday, talking about private things, just having a good time. So I’m looking forward to this event and I hope that I get in contact with Matt today, who wants to introduce me into the field of SAN configuration and management and into Windows clustering.

Tomorrow, our English teacher Mr.Schlenger is expected to visit us, but we don’t know when this will happen, so at this moment, there is no plan of action for this weekend. I hope to get some information about his arrival this evening.

Ireland is still fascinating me.. I really have to take some more pictures..



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