My first experience at work…


it’s me… My first day at the no non-profit organisation „Volunteer Now“ was really interesting, because i am involved in two projects over the two months. One of them is the migration of Sharepoint server to a newer one with a new version of Sharepoint. The new design of this page will be created by me and the other project is a migration, too, but this will be the new version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Well, my workplacement is very nice and my colleagues are so friendly, the atmosphere is very friendly. I have so much freedom at my workplace, i like this, that’s what i need to develop.

Here are some pictures of my workplacement and belfast, too.

Volunteer Now...
Volunteer Now...

The entrance to Volunteer Now...
The entrance to Volunteer Now...
Here you can see the main office...
Here you can see the main office...

Here you can see the main office...
Here you can see the main office...

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