First week done

Hello there,

first we (Josephine and myself) wanted to visit the sunday market at Dun Laoghaire (spelled like „Dunn Lierii“) but the weather wasn’t that nice to go out. Dun Laoghaire is a very nice area to go out. Good for myself that I work there. It’s kinda like Howth but there are more things to visit like the Bloomefield Centre, a huge shopping center with an also huge Tesco inside. There is also a nice shopping street near that center, the Lower George Street. When I’m at work I often visit that street to buy my lunch.

The work at IMEC Technologies makes a lot of fun. At the moment I repair handhelds from Motorola and nice portable barcode- and labelprinters. Jason White is my contact person there and he told me that he already had 3 german students there. I also noticed that he called me a „pro“ which means profi while he was at his phone and talked to someone else. He is a very nice person and when I had a question he explained me what to do and how to do it.

Vincent (I hope I spelled his name correctly) who also works at IMEC Technologies is also a nice guy and I already had much fun with him. I guess he tries to learn a bit german because he often wants me to translate some things into german. In my opinion is that a good training for myself to make my English more perfect.

That was the first week at Dublin and I hope that the weather gets better.


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