The first week at work

Hi guys,

first I must say, that I am with Christian in the company named Anaeko. It is a company that make many software, e.g. Service-Level-Management software, but also mobile application and small games.

Now, the first days on work are completed and I think that I have a very friendly employer. On Tuesday, my first day at work, it was a very interesting day with a interesting instruction.

Before this, we had a interview with Kevin (our contact person in Belfast) and our supervisor. Of course comes Kevin to late to the interview, what else? 😀 We and Kevin agreed the important things with our supervisor.

I had also birthday on this day, and Funny was, that a colleague from me, on the same day birthday had.  On this day, was us told what the company has made and I got my project.  The project is over social games, it is named QuizFortune, in detail are it small games in there and you must try to answer any question. The best answerer can win something, mostly money. I hope I have the game right understood, because it is very complex. In the moment work the team on a quiz over the Titanic in cooperation with It is very interesting, because I have never games developed, until now.

It was a very interesting first work week and I hope, that is furthermore so is.

Best regards from Belfast

PS: Images from my company coming soon. 🙂

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