The first weekend

Hi guys,

the first weekend is finished and it was very interesting to discover Belfast. We could nice corner of Belfast see.

The weekend started Friday afternoon and we (the people in the apartment) have thought, that we go in a club, but unfortunately I had to remain in the apartment, because I have stupidly thought, that the minimum age from the club 21 years is. On the next morning, I have learn, that the minimum age 18 years is. What shall I say to this? Shit happens. 🙄

On Saturday morning, where the other guys slept yet, I’m driven with Martin to Jordanstown. There we have visited the „nice“ pebble beach.

Beach in Jordanstown

Afternoon, I was with the guys in the botanic garden from the Queen’s University of Belfast. It was very amazing how very nice the garden is. That can I really the other guys in Belfast recommend.

Botanic garden

Best regards from Belfast

rolleyes 🙄

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