The Day after Wednesday = Thursday

Hey, I think I should name all my titles like this. It’s so incredible creative… No.

My Brother asked me, if I had no bank holiday yesterday. No, I hadn’t. Why? Well, there is a day which is equivalent to the first of May in Germany. This day is the first Monday in May. The first of may has nearly international historical reasons, but the UK and Ireland thought, that it would be a bad idea to have a bank holiday in the middle of the week.

The economy is served better with a non-work Monday after a weekend, than with a non-work day in the middle of the week. So I think, this is really smart.

I was asked how it works with the understanding. Yes, I really have to say: Bad. Really bad. Usually you should be able to speak or understand English in a few weaks. But this is not going to happen. I had ever problems with the understanding of English and it’s much more worse with the irish dialect.

I have to ask everytime at least once, if they could be so kind to repeat what they asked.

Though their dialect is quite useful. For example: They do not pronounce a “s” when they say “th”. Usually they say “I tink so” or “Tanks” instead of “I think so” or “Thanks”. I never liked the “s” anyway so I am using this part of their dialect too.


That’s it for today.



as you may see, I named the title like the day we have today. Why? Because I don´t know what to tell you.

I think, I will tell you something about my last few days at work.

I have to say, I really like my work. The people are friendly, funny and patient. I help where I can and fix several smaller problems with our Anti-Virus Sophos, a program called nGenera and things like this.

I was asked if I could start tomorrow at 6:30, so we can switch our firewall. Why they asked me? I don´t want to show off this much, but at the moment I am the person there with the most experience in networking-things. I think, I should get paid better. 😉


So… I think, this was my entry for today. We read us.

Sad Day

Hello Everyone,


I am sorry that you had to wait so long. Especially my mother was really annoyed but I had not that much time in the last few days and the WLAN wasn´t working in the last few minutes. So… Whatever, I am here now.


Why was it a sad day? Well. Today I stand up at 7:30 to be on the airport early enough. You know, you have to be there as early as possible and so on.

Look here, I know, it´s not that good to see, but the starting aircraft is a very special one:

The Plane of Fate

You may ask, why it is special. And this is a good question which leads me to the thing I wanted to tell you.

Her Name is Malena and she had an internship here in Ireland, too. She is from Lüneburg and yeah… We understood us very well. We have very much commonalities and we met the first time on the tour with the celtics things. She is in the IT. In german it is called „Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung“. The plane in the picture above is the plane she took back to germany.

We met every day this week and it was just wonderful. In the first days here in Ireland I thought „I want to be back in Germany!“. Then I thought „God damn, this is pretty cool here, I want to live here!“. And now I just want to go back to germany and spent my time with her, with my Girlfriend. Yes, that´s it for today. 🙂


See you

Some more pictures

Hello there,

I am sorry. I am tired and I seem to get a cold, so I want to go to bed. I will just upload a few pictures from my trip about the celtic culture and then sleep for a too short time. The big news I wanted to tell you has to wait until the next few days.


Finally there are some Pictures. AMAZING!

So Guys,

at least I got the Camera from my colleague. So. Here are the promised pictures! That are not all, but some of them. These are only the pictures I took in Howth. It is 15 Minutes away from Dublin so I went by train to this small location. It was very cold, rainy and foggy but still worth the view! Tomorrow I will post the pictures I took on my Tour about the Celtic culture. And there is one information I will tell you tomorrow… Especially my family will be interested in this. 🙂


Trim Castle and the propably oldest cemetery of mankind


as I told you the day before yesterday I was on a trip about the old celtic culture in Ireland on saturday.

So my day started at 6 am to stand up early and the joy to realise again the incredible cool public transport here in Dublin. I looked on my official App when the bus is arriving so I could go out and wait just a few seconds for it. My App told me, that the bus arrives in nearly 20 minutes. After 5 minutes I watched out of my window and saw my bus passing by… The next look on my app told me, that I have to wait another 40 minutes. Really. This is the last thing I want to have on a saturday morning.

However, I arrived on time and the tour started.

Our first station was the Hill of Tara with a nearby standing old Church. I didn´t get the whole story about this location, but I understood that it was very bloody. The typical irish history.

After this awesome location we drove to Trim Castle. The biggest Castle in Ireland is now a very tall Ruin with a big Tower inside. Some scenes of the film Braveheart were taken here (god damn, I real need the Camera from my colleague! She made really good photos).

We took the bus to arrive some minutes later at the propably oldest cemetery of mankind and definetly the oldest in Ireland. It is called Lough Crew. Really. I will stop here and hope to give you all the pictures in the next days!


Cu, Lars

What? The second week is over?!

Here I am!

It is incredible. It felt like yesterday was Saturday the 6th and I am waiting for me flight, because the time is just running. My colleagues are still cool, my workplace nice and I like to stand up early in the morning just to go to work. All our Users are very friendly and helpful and if that´s not enough: The Big Bosses are also extreme friendly and helpful. If you ask me: This is a more familiar atmosphere than it could ever be in Germany. We are not laid back enough. This is a nice atmosphere we have here in Ireland.

After 2 very short weeks I am finally able to have no problems to find the way to work without my GPS and it becomes better, I am able to find the way back home walking. 😉

Why should I do this? Just because the Busses are so extremely expensive. So I burn some calories and save some money. That comes in handy!

I am still amazed from the friendliness of all the people here. If you walk against someone or stand in their way, they only say “Oh, Sorry!”. I walk against them and they say sorry! In Germany I would be beaten. 😀

Wednesday I took the Bus and sat next to an older woman. I was listening music when she suddenly began to talk to me. She asked me, where I am from. I said Germany. And then she started to ask me, where she should go, because next week she will go to Berlin. Funny coincidence. And then she told me about a turret clock, I every day pass by. I never realized it, but this clock is called the “Four-Face-Lier”. All of her 4 sides shows an other time. It´s on my list of fotos I want to upload. 🙂

Thursday I was in the St. Patricks Cathedral. A very phenomenal and impressive building! But I have to say, it´s more interesting from the outside than from the inside. However, it was worth the 4,50€ entrance. Here a picture from the cathedral:


St. Patricks Cathedral

I am not sure if we read us tomorrow. I will take a tour with a girl from my workplace. It is a tour about the old celtic culture. We will see some castles and other real cool stuff. It starts at 8am and ends at 5pm. Imagine, I would never think about to stand up on 6am on an Saturday in Germany. I hope (and I am sure :D) it is worth to stand up that early!


See you Guys!

First Week

So Guys it´s me again!


I hope you excuse me that I did not tell you so many times about my week. But as you may know, the first week in a completely different and unknown Country is something very special. You have to test so much different things, have to go to so much different locations…

So… Let´s tell me something about my week:

Monday was a very special day. After a meeting with Margaret (our Coordinator for our apprenticeship here in Dublin) we (that means 14 Guys) went to the Guinness-Factory. There we were told about the procedure how to craft Guinness. After that we made our own Pint in a small Bar in the Guinness-Factory. We got a Certificate there too. Yeah, I will place it in this Blog when I have enough time. We´ll see.

Tuesday was my first Workday in Dark Rome (Yes, Rome. NOT Room 😉 ). That´s an organisator for many tours in Rome. They are all very nice people. It is not such a big Company but they are all very kind and helpful. I learned a lot of interesting things there and I like it very much. After my first day all people from the IT went to a pub. We were 6 People there and it was very nice to learn something about them.

In the next days I got a little bit around through the City. That´s very easy because I work in the centre of Dublin, directly in the City.

Yesterday I saw the Beach and the Cliffs of Howth. It´s near Dublin and I went by train with a Colleague from the Callcentre of Dark Rome. She is german too, so the language wasn´t the problem. Well, not completely. Shes from Bavaria so there were some problems of course, but not that much I have with the Irish Guys. 😉


I have to say, after a week here in Ireland I am still not completely in here. There are so many different things, the language is still a problem for me. I can write, I can read and I can talk, but it seems to be completely impossible for me to understand their accent.

What shall I say. I have still 7 weeks to improve my understanding.


See you Guys.

My first few days here in Ireland

Hey Folks,


I am very sorry that you had to wait so long to read me, but my first days here in Ireland were very turbulent, interesting and exciting.

So, let me start with my travel to Ireland. I never flight before and that with a good reason. Even if planes are statistically more secure than Busses, Cars, Trains and Ships, you still have no control about your journey over the fluffy clouds. And let me say: Humans can swim (water/boat), they can walk (land/car/train) but the hell, they aren´t made to fly!

Never the less we arrived in one piece in Ireland. And I think, it was a very interesting experience. But to be honest: I don´t want this experience anymore. It was interesting to be pressed in your seat when you started, to feel, how the pressure changed arount you and to see the biggest citys beneath you. But really, Citys are made to walk in them. Not to see them from above. 😉


This brings me to my next pint, oh, sorry, I meant point. But the pint has a point of course! Our first thing we made in Ireland was to experience the culture from Ireland. That means: We went to a pub. I never drank Guiness (it´s also called a Pint) before, but I have to say that it tastes very good.

Ater that we went to the inner city. I life in a Bed and Breakfast in Rathgar. It is a district of Dublin and the Owner of this BnB is a very nice and gentle older woman. So, Rathgar is a little abroad so we had to take a long way to see the other ones. So we saw the Appartements of one other group and yeah. That´s it. We wanted to meet the third Group (from my Class it´s Stefan Korte and Erik Herzog) buton the way to them there was a person laying on the ground. Bleeding, Crying and barfing. So we had to call the ambulance and help him. We wanted to meet the third Group in an other pub but gentle like we are we waited until the Police arrived and then went to this pub.

Unfortunately it was to late and the third group left the Pub. But we sat there in this wonderful Pub called O´Sheas and listened to the live music. That was very beautiful and both voices from the man and the woman there were magical! After that I and two other guys from my accommodation took a Taxi to go home. Except with the bleeding and nearly dying guy it was a super day!

The next day was a way more quiet. We finally arrived completely in Dublin, bought some things and looked a little bit around the city. I don´t have to say much more about Sunday except the fact that all Supermarkets have open on Sundays too. That was a very nice thing.


I think I will tell you tomorrow or one day after tomorrow something about Monday and the days after. I am very sorry that here are not that much pictures but I promise they will come soon, too.


Now I just want to hang around with the other guys in my BnB and want to chill out.


We read us Folks, keep interested!


Your´s sincerely,



Vorfreude auf Irland

Hallo Leute!

Erst einmal eine kleine Info im Voraus: Seht es mir ein wenig nach wenn dieser Blog oder zumindest dieser erste Beitrag nicht ganz euren Erwartungen entspricht. Dies ist jedoch mein allererster Blogeintrag und vermutlich für eine ganze Zeit mein letzter auf Deutsch. Alle weiteren Beiträge werden auf Englisch erfolgen. Also, viel Spaß beim Lesen. 🙂

Mein einziger wirklicher Auslandsaufenthalt war vor 4 oder 5 Jahren. In dieser Zeit war ich eine Woche lang in England, was eine wirklich interessante Erfahrung war. Genau diese Erwartungen stecke ich auch in Irland. Ich hoffe dort meine Englischkenntnisse weiterzuentwickeln, mein Kulturverständnis für andere Kulturen verbessern, neue Leute kennenlernen und GANZ wichtig: Die schöne Landschaft genießen.

Das ist einer meiner wichtigsten Aspekte, was Vorfreude anbelangt. Die irischen Klippen sind weltbekannt, und alte Schlösser interessieren mich seit langem. Hier ist ein kleines Foto, was mir ein Klassenkamerad gezeigt hat

Foto von:

Ihr seht selber, wie cool dieses Bollwerk aussieht. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mir das anzusehen! Irland, ich komme!


Wir lesen uns 😉