First Week

So Guys it´s me again!


I hope you excuse me that I did not tell you so many times about my week. But as you may know, the first week in a completely different and unknown Country is something very special. You have to test so much different things, have to go to so much different locations…

So… Let´s tell me something about my week:

Monday was a very special day. After a meeting with Margaret (our Coordinator for our apprenticeship here in Dublin) we (that means 14 Guys) went to the Guinness-Factory. There we were told about the procedure how to craft Guinness. After that we made our own Pint in a small Bar in the Guinness-Factory. We got a Certificate there too. Yeah, I will place it in this Blog when I have enough time. We´ll see.

Tuesday was my first Workday in Dark Rome (Yes, Rome. NOT Room 😉 ). That´s an organisator for many tours in Rome. They are all very nice people. It is not such a big Company but they are all very kind and helpful. I learned a lot of interesting things there and I like it very much. After my first day all people from the IT went to a pub. We were 6 People there and it was very nice to learn something about them.

In the next days I got a little bit around through the City. That´s very easy because I work in the centre of Dublin, directly in the City.

Yesterday I saw the Beach and the Cliffs of Howth. It´s near Dublin and I went by train with a Colleague from the Callcentre of Dark Rome. She is german too, so the language wasn´t the problem. Well, not completely. Shes from Bavaria so there were some problems of course, but not that much I have with the Irish Guys. 😉


I have to say, after a week here in Ireland I am still not completely in here. There are so many different things, the language is still a problem for me. I can write, I can read and I can talk, but it seems to be completely impossible for me to understand their accent.

What shall I say. I have still 7 weeks to improve my understanding.


See you Guys.

Autor: Lars Holstein

Hallo, ich bin Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration an der Freien Universität von Berlin. Meine Beiträge im Blog stellen meine Erfahrungen während meines Auslandspraktikums in Irland dar. Wer sich auf meiner Seite verloren hat, dem wünsche ich viel Spaß beim Lesen. :)

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