Trim Castle and the propably oldest cemetery of mankind


as I told you the day before yesterday I was on a trip about the old celtic culture in Ireland on saturday.

So my day started at 6 am to stand up early and the joy to realise again the incredible cool public transport here in Dublin. I looked on my official App when the bus is arriving so I could go out and wait just a few seconds for it. My App told me, that the bus arrives in nearly 20 minutes. After 5 minutes I watched out of my window and saw my bus passing by… The next look on my app told me, that I have to wait another 40 minutes. Really. This is the last thing I want to have on a saturday morning.

However, I arrived on time and the tour started.

Our first station was the Hill of Tara with a nearby standing old Church. I didn´t get the whole story about this location, but I understood that it was very bloody. The typical irish history.

After this awesome location we drove to Trim Castle. The biggest Castle in Ireland is now a very tall Ruin with a big Tower inside. Some scenes of the film Braveheart were taken here (god damn, I real need the Camera from my colleague! She made really good photos).

We took the bus to arrive some minutes later at the propably oldest cemetery of mankind and definetly the oldest in Ireland. It is called Lough Crew. Really. I will stop here and hope to give you all the pictures in the next days!


Cu, Lars

Autor: Lars Holstein

Hallo, ich bin Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration an der Freien Universität von Berlin. Meine Beiträge im Blog stellen meine Erfahrungen während meines Auslandspraktikums in Irland dar. Wer sich auf meiner Seite verloren hat, dem wünsche ich viel Spaß beim Lesen. :)

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