Dumplings, Doppelkopf & Roof

It is quite late now, so just a short, irish style, blog entry. Today we woke up early to go one last time to class at the school and joined the server/database class. Then we played some table tennis in the  basement of the school and had some tough matches versus some Chinese students practicing there. Afterwards we took a shower and had some dumplings with Li and Zhu. Delicious 😀


Next we met with the friends of Lukas to play Doppelkopf again. On the way home we wanted to drink a beer at the „Bodenseestube“ we saw on the way, but unfortunately it was already closed at 11 pm…

So instead we went to an Irish pub close to our school and enjoyed a Guinness:

After we made our way into the dormitory through the window we climbed on the roof of it and enjoyed the Beijing night view.

Tomorrow is packing day, see you then!

Alex and Lukas


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