Middle of Week #5

Good morning everyone,

it is Saturday morning and I’m preparing and my stuff for the tour to Giant’s Causeway, that’s right I’m finally going! 😛 I’ll report my experiences, supported by pictures on Sunday evening, because this entry is for the last 2 1/2 days 😀

Lets start with Wednesday afternoon, well after I got off work I went shopping in the city centre and slightly underestimated the weight of the stuff I bought with result that it took my the double amount of time to get home than it took me to get there and a stiff neck next morning.

Thursday was, aside from the stiff neck, a pretty quit day. We got our delivery from Amazon including the new bench table I was telling you about in one of my last entries. So I had the pleasure of assembling the case and putting the hardware into/onto it and installing the operating system. But the operating system turned out is confused, because it detects 2 displays where is only one 😀 quit a mystery and I haven’t figured out yet what is causing this problem.

This brings me to Friday. Robin picked me up at 9 and we went to Armagh to visit the Armagh County Museum. Of course we didn’t went there for pleasure there was work to be done. This work included installing a new HDD and restoring the data from the old HDD onto it, replacing an old printer with the printer I prepared last week and last but not least to install the new DrayTek router and establish the VPN connection to Cultra Manor…oh and we had to install a wireless access point because they had no wireless access until now.
At the end of the day we accomplished all of our tasks except for installing the DrayTek. The Problem is that the current router is using an option to tunnel the public IP-Address of the firewall to the Internet, or something like this we are still figuring out what the company responsible for the firewall and internet setup  did. And because there is no visible option on the DrayTek to achieve a similar function we couldn’t install the router without everyone behind the firewall to lose their internet connectivity.
We left the current setup in place for now and starting on Monday I’ll try to find out how to get the DrayTek working or to implement a secure VPN connection between Cultra and Armagh with the micro server as a client, instead of a Site-to-Site VPN we would have an Server-Client setup.
I wanted to take some picture of Armagh as it is a beautiful town but the weather was terrible just like the last days we had rain most the day and I wasn’t able to take pictures without risking my camera. I just hope that the weather will be better for the tour today so that I can take pictures for me to share.

Have a nice weekend!

Yours sincerely,
