A quiet week…

Hi folks, it’s me again.


It’s been awhile since my last post but again there is nothing really new to tell.


During the weekend I was a little bit ill so I wasn’t going out or doing some sightseeing.


At work we are trying to finish our code and create the documentary for it and create some flow charts for the further testing which will start during this week (at least I hope so).


As Alex mentioned, the beds are killing us.
Even after my massage I am already feeling some tensions in my back and neck again.


But we are almost finished here and I look forward to see my own bed in Germany.


That’s all for today.


See you soon.


Bad bed…

Dear reader,

on Friday we have the possibility to meet our teacher Mr. Doebler from the OSZ. Nobody really knows him or had some hours with him except for 2 short lessons in 2011. That makes no sense in my opinion but we will try to talk with him.
I am not really sure if I get some free time for this from my boss Tom. And I’m not even sure if I want free time for the opportunity to meet a teacher… 😀 Slowly I have some effects from my bed. I have massive  headaches on the „morning“ and my back hurts as well and that’s what I said at the beginning. Maybe the apartment is „good“ enough for one week but in my case I have massive problems after some more weeks and that’s not even funny. Hopefully it’s getting better when I am back at home.

Yes, we fill another day.

