I am the better chef

How it’s goin’ Guys?


In the last two days not much happened. I think we work too much and so we have no enough time to do what we would like to do.

Every evening I’m more exhausted as in Germany. The result of this is, that we don’t go to any pub or that we do other things.

Yesterday was a very sad day, because all Germans had a holiday / mens day.  All my friends sent me funny pictures from the bicycle tour and I had to work.
After work we had a healthy dinner and we relaxed and had a Guinness.

Unlikes other I think my food at least looks tasty….. or? (Well actually I believe it tastes better as well)


At work I have many problems with my project. Last week the project changed very often.

Any time I try something I get different problems which are very hard to fix.

Today I had an accomplishment. My project is almost done. I ‘ll not go to a disco or something, because tomorrow we have to start in the early morning. Our bus tour begins at 6:50 a.m.

Also I am relaxing now and I do nothing.


See you later



what shall I tell you, what do you want to hear from me? 😀

I think I show you a new friend of mine:


Her name is just Cat and she always follows me. Of course she wants to be petted.^^

Really, she´s the star of this BnB! Even if my allergy is killing me after I touched her but okay. She is so incredible fluffy! 😀

Tomorrow I have a free day, that means I will do exactly NOTHING. Sleep long, eat, sleep, go to the toilet, eat and sleep again. Maybe I will learn a little bit about scripting with Powershell. I found out how incredible useful it can be if you have to administer several Users. One of my irish colleagues uses SVN for his work with Visual Studio, and he (that means me) has to backup the repository in case of a crash of the harddrive.

Some of you may chip in with „Why didn´t you use svnsync?“. Well, to use svnsync you have to setup two repositories. That means, you have to setup a second server or client or whatever. We don´t want to install this on our server, so we had to find another option.

I wrote a small batch-Script that saves his files to our Server. I know, it´s not much, but it´s nice to say „Hey, this is my script!“. Yes, I know too that Powershell and Batch are different things, but now I want to learn more about scripting and I think, that Powershell is the best and most useful thing to learn for an administrator.

I am sorry that there was no information on ireland today, but everyone here writes about his workplace (maybe they do not do enough interesting things here in ireland? 😉 )so I decided to do this too.

There will be some more information about Ireland on sunday. I will go to the cliffs of moher.




#15 – Street musicians, Parks and Howths


As you may know (if not go and read previous blogs!) we had to spend the extended weekend differently that we previously intended. So instead of driving to the cliff of moher we spend the Sunday looking around Trinity College, the beautiful park I mentioned before, as well as the second visit in Howths, which I also mentioned before. I’d like to go into a bit more detail about this as I just mentioned it in one sentence, as I mentioned before. (HA try to get that paragraph by reading it only once!)



So first I headed to the shopping street right behind the Trinity College just to see if I could find anything tempting. On this way (and later on as well) I noticed the street musicians. They are extremely talented (German street musicians suck compared to these. Yes I did not write „are bad“ because that expression would be too weak). Just to get you definetly confused about what happened at which time, on our way home Erik and I stood by a few musicians and listened to them. I even considered to purchase one of their CDs.




After my not so great „shopping tour“, where I did not afford anything, I met again with the Trinity College group just there. Its a lovely place and I would like to study there. I would spend a lot of time on the campus rather than at home I guess.



On Monday we had our second visit to Howths, this time a bit earlier. While we waited for the „Nick-group“ to arrive we enjoied the low tide and walked a bit on the sand. Erik was complaining about getting wet feet all the time. (HAHA, go buy decent shoes!) As Nick, Felix and Mike arrived we got lunch nearby and headed to the quite highest place reachable.




It was a decent weekend and I feel that I used my time splendidly.

Next entrys will be about the cliffs and the Celtic tour i guess. Until then!