The 4th week

Hi Guys
Yesterday was obviously the start in the 4th week – and it was ok. At work I programmed at my SMTP/web service project. I’m so lucky that I didn’t make an apprenticeship to a software developer.
It is very difficult to fix problems at my own program. The first part of the day I wrote some methods to get “Event Notification” from “SendGrid”. An Event Notification is a message from SendGrid, which gives you information about the following: what does the User do with your mail? For example is the mail clicked, bounced, delivered, spam reported or unsubscribed.
Until lunch I had many problems with the syntax. Like every time at lunch my colleagues and I talked about the weekend and other topics.
I think that my English gets better from time to time. After lunch I fixed my own programming issues. I was really happy about it. At home we cooked and sent a mail to a wakeboard club, for a request. Also, we search for a rental car shop. It is disappointing how less cars shops are open at the long weekend.
Today I programmed a method, which saves the data into a log file or into a database and I tried to send a message to “SendGrid” with a value of 200. With this value, SendGrid checks if I get the data correct.
Meanwhile Google became my best friend :D. After work Stefan and I purchased something for the packets and visited the post office.
At home I cleaned the bathroom and our living room. After that I cooked the dinner and I research further for a car.

See you guys Cheers 😉

#11 – So less time

Hi Guys,

I somehow feel the urge to tell you about something else I noticed by now – we have WAY too less free time whatsoever to do everything we would like to do. Especially as Erik and I (I don’t know too well about the working times of the others) work from 0930 a.m. to 0600 p.m. We then have to add the way to and off work what makes it effectively from 0845 a.m. to 1900 p.m. These are quite long days, what makes it impossible to do anything them. And no one has enough energy to go through the whole weekend with action and events all the time and stay healthy, what cuts off one day again.

That means we have just 1 day to get a decent view on Ireland which is just way too less to go for longer trips. I guess anyone else will agree on that one.

Luckily we have an extended weekend upcoming so Erik and Nick are making plans for a trip to the west coast of Ireland. That will be exciting!

But I’m drifting off, what I wanted to say is – there is so much what we’d like to do but can’t that it’s getting a bit disappointing.

Opposed to Alex I believe the only solution for that is more free time, which does not account for less working hours, as about no one will use the given time after work. But an additional free day should do plenty for the people that want to do and see interesting stuff here. Of course there will be the ones that won’t use the time but that’s their personal problem.

That’s all I wanted to say, thanks for your attention!


Not enough time!?

Dear reader,

after the fist over hours in my short life I was really proud after a round-mail from my boss Tom. Of course it is not normal to except some over hours on a Friday, especially for a guy with an internship,  but for me it was a pleasure to help them. Now I have 2 free days on Thursday and Friday so anyway it has worth for me. I think the next Monday (6th June) the whole country have a day for free so it’s he perfect time to have 2 free days 😀 Nothing really happened since my trip on Saturday.

With Erik and Stefan I talked about a difficult theme. We start working at 9 or 10 p.m. and come back at 6 or 7 p.m.. There is not much time to do a lot of thins like sight seeing because you need to buy food and wash your clothes and stuff like that on the weekends. But what is a solution for that? Maybe one extra day for free per week? I don’t think so. A lot of students won’t use that day for sight seeing. Only for drinking and other stuff like playing some videos games. When my colleagues here have an opinion to that they’re invited to write something to this topic 🙂





Well we didn´t go out on Friday. Why I don’t know, I forgot the reason, I think we just hang around.

On Saturday I slept long. After sleeping, getting awake and eating breakfast we began to setup our pc to do a little LAN Party. In the evening we began to play the first Game openarena.

At 22 o’clock the party started in our house! Downstairs the French people had a Party and upstairs the Spanish people the other party! So there was much travel in this house and there also were people from the University, so I met a German guy who told us what we can do here, respectively what we absolutely have to do. So we had a typical home party with typical drunk people, on the whole it made quite a lot of fun!

Sunday was our food-buying-day. That’s the good thing in Belfast, you can buy food every day. So that the primary care for the week is guaranteed.

In evening we started the LAN Party and a couple of other guys who also are on oszimt were still around and we played together. We played games such as openarena C&C3 and Wolfensteil. But we had some problems because the games are already very old and needed things like IPX. Anyway we had a lot of fun.

See you soon!

#10 – Howth


as Erik and Alex already wrote we have been in Howth on Saturday to see the cliffs where Lars has been. Sadly we only made it there late as we had to do lots of stuff in the morning.

There is nothing much more I can write as they already pointed out almost everything. It has been great as the weather was incredible and the landscape stunning. We intend to go there one more time, just earlier (and hopefully without that nasty amusement park).

There is something you can be jealous of what i feel like it has to be pointed out a bit more:

Jackpot-living houses like this one!



This is just incredible, I would love to live there!

As Erik and Alex already provided pictures and also the ones I would have posted, I will safe the data-space and just ask you kindly to have a look at their Blog entrys.

I’m looking forward to go there again! Will tell you about it!



Again nothing really new…

Hi folks, it’s me again.


There was again nothing really new since my last post.

The Weekend was kind of quiet and I focused myself on learning some more PHP and rest.


Again I wonder about the weather. In one second there is the sun and it’s warm and beautiful. In the next second it is raining like it hadn’t rained for the last 3 months and a couple of seconds later it is like if nothing happened and the sun shines again.


At work we are trying to bring our web project to an end. We implemented JavaScript, JQuery and Ajax and are now looking for some PHP tools to debug and test everything.

While we were doing this, we also made some more tests with the machine and advanced in building our power circuits for the devices.


I’ll make my next post before the weekend. Until then I hope that you are enjoying what you’ve read so far.


See you soon.


End of Week #3

Hello everyone,

it’s Sunday evening (more like night) and you what that means. Correct new blog entry! 😀

In my last entry I wrote that I would be driving to Armagh with Robin, little misunderstanding on my part, Robin told me we were going to Omagh  and just understood Armagh (because of his accent they sound exactly the same) , but I will be going to Armagh at some point during the next weeks. Robin picked me up near the Botanic Gardens and took the opportunity to take a look around the park and it’s really really beautiful.

Tropical House, Botanic Gardens


The museum in Omagh is the Ulster American Folk Park, which displays the lifestyle of the irish people before they went to America and after they arrived there.
For this purpose the build up typical living houses workshops and everything, in most of the rebuild workshops they demonstrations and they have actors in many of the old buildings who tell the visitors of „their“ situation. All in all very neat but I haven’t had much time to look around because a) it was raining really hard most of the time and b) I had work to do…obviously  :P.

Entrance to the new world @ Ulster American Folk Park


The main reason we went to Omagh is to install a new server which is acting as new domain controller with full replication of the one that is already running, because the one currently hosting the AD-service is really old and if that one fails (possibly in the near future) it gets thrown out and the new one will take over.
Furthermore we had to install a new access point and I was to set up a new router but I wasn’t able to do this because the IPS login credentials were missing, which means I will have to do this later. I hope to use this opportunity to take more pictures and to get a better look at everything.
Another good thing about this day was that I got to see more of the irish countryside and I’m always baffled by the extreme difference between Germany and Ireland.

No double rainbow and no pot of gold :(
Raibow on the way back to Belfast


And on the weekend we didn’t get the chance to go to Donard Park, mostly because the weather report said we would have bad weather which turned out to be quit fine (except for the wind), so instead of going to Donard Park we had a third nice weekend in Belfast’s Queensquarter.

On Saturday we had a big party in the Building because Rubén was celebrating his birthday, he is one of our spanish neighbors upstairs, and the same time the guys in the apartment below us had another party.
Today I was the first one to get up, again, and started to clean the kitchen/living room because it was kinda filthy 😀 After the rest got up and had Breakfast we went shopping again and had a small but funny LAN-Party.
Next weekend the guys and me are going to rent a car and go on our 3 day trip to the Giant’s Causeway and surroundings, we are all really excited and Robin will help with plotting the route we should take to get the most of our trip.

That’s it for the moment, I hope all of you had a nice weekend.

Yours sincerely,


A trip with Laurel & Hardy

Dear reader,

on Saturday i was called by Erkan and Stefan. No wait… ERIK and Stefan. Sorry, my fault!
However: I was called by them and they ask me if we want to go to the coast. After we saw the pictures of Lars, we wanted to see the coast as well.

After our short journey in the „pisstrain“ (by Erik Herzog) we arrived in Howth. We have thought about sheeps, nice big cliffs and old castles but the first thing we saw was a big amusement park. Around one Billion people with cameras and little fat kids with ice cream, like in a bad american film.

We try to escape as fast as we can and after a few minutes of walking we see our target. The cliffs! Exactly like in the kerrygold butter advertisement!

Here are some pictures from our trip:

The cool one... and Stefan xD
The cool one... and Stefan xD
After the first 30 meter...
After the first 30 meter...
Without any words
Without any words

It was just a perfect day and that is the reason why I wanted to travel to ireland. Thanks to Erik and Stefan 🙂



The Weekend is over

Hi guy’s

the third week is over. Thursday and Friday were normal workdays. At Friday evening Stefan and I
had dinner at Supermac’s. After a good dinner we went to a little whiskey shop. The guy
from the shop was very funny. At the beginning he told us about some typical irish whiskey tastes. After
a little lesson we had the chance to test 2 whiskeys. They were very delicious. The decision which
whiskey to choose was hard, but with the help from this connoisseur I found good stuff.

Yesterday after a souvenier shopping tour we called Alex. We wanted to go to the coast. Alex agreed
and visited us in our arpartment. At 4 p.m. we went to the train station. It wasn’t easy to find
the train station because on the map it wasn’t shown so clearly. After a „nice“ train ride,
with a train that smelled like piss, we arrived at 5p.m. in Howth. It’s a typically coast-village.
After a long walk we saw the nice cliffs. The perspective on the cliffs was stunning.

taking a break
taking a breakouch... Here i sat for a picturea nice walkway to the ocean:D
adventure from Stefan and me
adventure from Stefan and me
a nice walkway to the ocean :D
a nice walkway to the ocean:D
ouch... Here i sat for a picture
ouch... Here i sat for a picture

Today is a normaly sunday. We searched for a gls shop, to get information about sending liquids to Germany.
After that we had a look at the wakeboarding area in Dublin City, because in May I would like to go wakeboarding in Dublin
At home we cooked and enjoyed the evening. Also, we planned the next weekend with Nick, where we
intend to explore the country with a rental car.

Sad Day

Hello Everyone,


I am sorry that you had to wait so long. Especially my mother was really annoyed but I had not that much time in the last few days and the WLAN wasn´t working in the last few minutes. So… Whatever, I am here now.


Why was it a sad day? Well. Today I stand up at 7:30 to be on the airport early enough. You know, you have to be there as early as possible and so on.

Look here, I know, it´s not that good to see, but the starting aircraft is a very special one:

The Plane of Fate

You may ask, why it is special. And this is a good question which leads me to the thing I wanted to tell you.

Her Name is Malena and she had an internship here in Ireland, too. She is from Lüneburg and yeah… We understood us very well. We have very much commonalities and we met the first time on the tour with the celtics things. She is in the IT. In german it is called „Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung“. The plane in the picture above is the plane she took back to germany.

We met every day this week and it was just wonderful. In the first days here in Ireland I thought „I want to be back in Germany!“. Then I thought „God damn, this is pretty cool here, I want to live here!“. And now I just want to go back to germany and spent my time with her, with my Girlfriend. Yes, that´s it for today. 🙂


See you