Some complaining


in the last few days nothing really interesting happened. I still like it here (even if I look forward to the 31.5.), I help where I can and yeah…

We are still screwed in terms of WIFI in our accommodation. I found out what the problem is but the owner believes only a guy from the „Government“ who lives here too. Works for the government and lives in a BnB… Should tell everything.

We got a new router here and everything is still not working. I told them, it´s the fault from the powerline here. No one was reacting. Okay. I don´t care. I stopped to complain about. Other people could do this here. I am sure this will give a good rating for this accommodation. 🙂

I like it when the guy is telling things about networks. It´s funny everytime, because I have to correct him by every statement. As long there is WIFI in the big Living-Room, it´s okay.

The only thing which annoys is, that the female owner here thinks we germans are all evil and are responsible for the not working WIFI. If she talks face to face with us she is incredible friendly but I heard her telling lies about us.


Nothing to complain about: I still like my workplace! I really like the people there and what is the most important: My english seems to improve!

I begin to understand them way better than before. I am able to have larger conversations, with bigger sentences and some more smalltalk.

I still have some problems when they talk to each other, but it becomes better and better. I do not only learn a lot about english at my workplace, but also a lot of technical things. I think, I really fit in this team there. 🙂


See you guys!

Autor: Lars Holstein

Hallo, ich bin Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration an der Freien Universität von Berlin. Meine Beiträge im Blog stellen meine Erfahrungen während meines Auslandspraktikums in Irland dar. Wer sich auf meiner Seite verloren hat, dem wünsche ich viel Spaß beim Lesen. :)

Ein Gedanke zu „Some complaining“

  1. Ist doch super, das sich dein Englisch verbessert hat. Du hast ja noch drei Wochen und dann ist es perfekt.
    Ärger dich nicht über die Besitzerin. Sie ist die Bestimmerin;) In drei Wochen bin ich es dann wieder 🙂
    Viel Spaß beim arbeiten. Ich werde den heutigen Feiertag genießen.

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