Almost done

Hi guy’s,

Thursday and Friday I was able to proceed with my program quite far. My task was to program a Graphic User Interface, which processes HTTP requests and Database queries. Also, I built a lot of buttons and text fields. In the upper picture you can see my program. For a little explanation, it sends a HTTP request to a webpage (SendGrid). You get information about your email history and the status of your sent mails. These two days were very hard concerning programming, because I had many issues. But at Friday everything worked fine. Richard controlled it and he was very satisfied. So this two days were very nice :D. In the next week I’ll publish my project and connect it with the database.

a part of my project
a part of my project

See you

Autor: Erik Herzog

Hallo, mein Name ist Erik und ich bin Auzubildender der Charité in Berlin. In meiner Ausbildung zum Fachinformatiker in Systemintegration ist ein Auslandspraktikum nach Irland vorgesehen, welche ich dieses Jahr absolviere. Viel Spaß beim Lesen.

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