weekend report

hey all,

so that was a relaxing weekend!

On Friday the guys and I were in the pub again where we had a relaxing evening.

After I slept long on Saturday I worked a little bit on my new Linux machine! In the evening we played some rounds CS 1.5 and then we just hung around with some other guys from our house.

On Sunday I made some Linux stuff because I installed a Debian for me with the awesome windows manager that I used to show graphical windows and my shells! So I skript a little bit and edited some Config file´s.

Thats all from weekend! 

Autor: h.v

Hallo ich bin Henrik Vetter und Auszubildender der Freien Universität Berlin. Ich lerne den Beruf Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration. Ich bin in diesem Blog um über meinen Irland aufenthalt zu schreiben.

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