Sleepless in Dublin

Dear reader,

all these Blog posts are so annoying. Three per week is way to much. One, maybe two are okay but you can’t write something down were you have no time for. In the week you simply can’t do anything exciting. One Post for your work and one post for the weekend is more than enough in my opinion. But hey it’s not my problem so I write down what happened and that’s it 🙂

This long weekend was a big fail. In the night from Friday to Saturday I sleep for around 2 hours and the difference handicap me through the whole weekend. I sleep at the day’s and was awake at the night and that sucks! On Sunday I couldn’t even go with Stefan and Erik to the airport because I was so tired in the morning. (at least I was lucky in this special situation but it sucks anyway). Today I am tired as well but after a hard day at work I hopefully can sleep early today.

In the last week Mr. Bavar and Mrs. Neumann visited me at my workplace. It was a little bit surprising because they said they come on Thursday but it was Tuesday morning. In the evening they visited our apartment and we proudly showed them our „80 dB hot water heater“ 😀

At the end of our first month in Dublin, I can only agree with Mr. Bavar and Mrs. Neumann. I am really surprised how good we manage all this here in Ireland.



Autor: Alexander Schädlich

Hallo mein Name ist Alexander Schädlich, ich bin Azubi im Max- Planck- Institut des Lehrjahres 2011 und fahre im April 2013 nach Dublin (Irland).

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