Still quiet…

Hi folks, it’s me again.


Nothing really new to tell about my time here in Ireland.


At work we are still making tests with the parking machine and are fine-tuning our webpage.


On Tuesday I was visiting a physiotherapist for a massage to get the tension out of my back. Also I hoped that the numbness of my fingers would go away. It didn’t but it got better.


Yesterday I tried to cook something and, for those who now my cooking skills, it was a success.



It tasted awesome and I am kind of proud of it and myself.


I think that’s all for today.


See you soon.


Autor: Markus Staib

Ich bin 27 Jahre alt und derzeit Fachinformatik-Azubi bei der Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Seit mitte Februar bin ich ein "Cisco Certified Network Associate".

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