Less then 3 weeks

Dear reader,


the weekend was really short again. Too short. The days are just become blurred on the weekend if you go to bed at 6 a.m. and stand up around 6 p.m.. And on Monday I am so tired that I only work from this position:

Chin – > Table (+ coke)
Chin – > Table (+ coke)

On Saturday and Sunday morning, Stefan try to wake me up at 6 a.m. but I was still awake so he can suck my… ear 🙂 To be honest I don’t want to do anything at the moment. I know Dublin and I know the cliffs and that’s it… that’s Ireland. Okay maybe you can visit some castles and see some more sheep’s but in general Ireland have not much to see. Maybe two of my apartment members and me, do the viking splash tour on one of the last 2 weekends and that’s it for me.

On my working place I still need to back up some old mail-profiles. But Hugo returns today and hopefully he have some tasks for me again.






Autor: Alexander Schädlich

Hallo mein Name ist Alexander Schädlich, ich bin Azubi im Max- Planck- Institut des Lehrjahres 2011 und fahre im April 2013 nach Dublin (Irland).

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