A quiet week…

Hi folks, it’s me again.


It’s been awhile since my last post but again there is nothing really new to tell.


During the weekend I was a little bit ill so I wasn’t going out or doing some sightseeing.


At work we are trying to finish our code and create the documentary for it and create some flow charts for the further testing which will start during this week (at least I hope so).


As Alex mentioned, the beds are killing us.
Even after my massage I am already feeling some tensions in my back and neck again.


But we are almost finished here and I look forward to see my own bed in Germany.


That’s all for today.


See you soon.


Autor: Markus Staib

Ich bin 27 Jahre alt und derzeit Fachinformatik-Azubi bei der Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Seit mitte Februar bin ich ein "Cisco Certified Network Associate".

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