#16 – Cliffs of Moher

Hihi there,

As you already may know I have been to the famous cliffs of Moher on Saturday. The trip there was quite exhausting as we all had way too less sleep and I was also not able to sleep to well in the bus. Our tour guide was talking a bit strangely as he repeated himself over and over again when he spoke about a certain topic.

Other than that the company that offered the tour was well prepared and had a decent amount of stops on our way to the cliffs and home.

The Cliffs themselves were very impressive and beautiful. We had a hell of a strong wind there. At one point I had to hold onto a fence to make sure I would not be blown away.

We stopped at a pub for lunch which was quite expensive. They are utmost reliant on the tourist tours as they won’t have any other customers whatsoever, which is a strange concept from my point of view.

On our way home we stopped at quite beautiful landscapes (a lot of bright grey rocks just scattered in the fields) just at the cliffs.

I will not provide any pictures here as Erik did that already and it would be a waste of disk space to add them again. He picked the ones I would have picked.

That’s it already from me for now, next blog will cover for the Celtic tour we did on Sunday. Until then!


Autor: Stefan Korte

So, da bin ich nun im Seminar zum Theman Bloggen und darf ein paar erste Worte zu mir schreiben. Irland wird definitiv spannend, ich hoffe ich komme zu den DCNetworks in Dublin ;). Der Auslandsaufenthalt ist, wie bei allen anderen auch, Teil der Ausbildung - sozusagen ein Bonus. Alles weitere schreib ich später in ruhe. Bis dann!

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