Beer, Party and ABBA???

Hi folks, it’s me again.


As I feared, we are not making any real tests with the machine, just some basic testing of the code for the microcontroller. But we try to finish it as soon as possible. As we are making our tests, I am supposed to set up a PHP based Socket Server which should receive the data from the modem we are using inside of the machine.


On Friday we had an appointment with Margaret and Mr Döbler, one of our teachers in Germany. We talked more than one hour with him about nearly everything we are doing here in Ireland and about our apartments and workplaces.

After the meeting with Mr Döbler, some colleagues and I were making a Pub tour. On our way through the Pubs we saw this guy who was painting on some kind of telephone junction box.


ABBA. Seems legit.


Asking a colleague what band this should be (and giving hints like “the guys are called John, Paul, George and Ringo and they had a kind of successful Band in the 60s”), he guessed that this could be… “ABBA”.

After I almost peed myself, I told him that this is a picture of the Beatles. and then he realized why I was laughing that hard and started laughing.


At around 11 p.m. we were leaving the apartment and went to a nice area with some cool clubs. After we couldn’t enter the first club (one of us was under 21) we went to the next club [Copper Face Jacks] and we all had a good time.

After about 30 minutes I lost Nick (one of my colleagues) but we were able to find each other. But after about one or two hours later, I lost him again and this time we were not able to find each other again.

At around 3:30 a.m. I was trying to leave the club. The Club was so full that it was kind of a wonder that I found the exit. About half an hour later I arrived at our apartment without problems but completely drunk.

This was a really good night and I finally went out and was having some fun.

That’s all for today folks.


See you soon.


Autor: Markus Staib

Ich bin 27 Jahre alt und derzeit Fachinformatik-Azubi bei der Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Seit mitte Februar bin ich ein "Cisco Certified Network Associate".

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