Still no titel… miau

Dear reader,

today I need to talk about a little problem of the JBS Apartments were we living. The whole ground floor is a open parking deck and a little genius place the trash containers without any barriers right in this open…dark… parking deck. The containers are completely full every time we bring out our garbage and some peaces are lying on the ground. Anyway… at night there are maybe 5 Billion cats. And that perfectly fits with the whole house.

On the weekend we had a guest from gallway, I think from the „Bundesbehoerden“ as well as Steve and David. Another thing I need to remeber after this weekend: Don’t talk with Stefan on the phone while Erik celebrating his publicpornwatching. I hear things… you can’t imagine o__O And I needed to talk with the drunk Markus as well… so yeah my weekend was scary, fucked and full of mad people.

Yeah that’s it. I need so save some themes for the rest of the week because I will only work and don’t do anything else. I am really sorry for my colleagues that their post’s going down just because we need to spam.


Autor: Alexander Schädlich

Hallo mein Name ist Alexander Schädlich, ich bin Azubi im Max- Planck- Institut des Lehrjahres 2011 und fahre im April 2013 nach Dublin (Irland).

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