
Hey there!


I am glad to tell you: This is the last Saturday in Ireland. YES!

We were told, that the longer you are here, the longer you want to stay here. No. I think, that doesn´t fit to anyone of us. Nearly everyone has enough now. Don´t understand me wrong, it is very nice here and I really, REALLY like my workplace here. But I don´t want to stay here any longer. I really look forward the flight next week.

My week was a week like everyone. Yesterday my company made some kind of a „Schnitzeljagd“. This was really fun. And of course there was a lot of alcohol included. 😉

I am sorry that this blog-entry is so short, but I have to do some other things. I have to write my report and do the presentation about my internship here in Ireland.

This evening is the CL-finale. I am not sure if I want to watch this with. I will definitely not go into a pub. Therefor I do not care enough about football.


One week remaining!! 😀




Autor: Lars Holstein

Hallo, ich bin Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration an der Freien Universität von Berlin. Meine Beiträge im Blog stellen meine Erfahrungen während meines Auslandspraktikums in Irland dar. Wer sich auf meiner Seite verloren hat, dem wünsche ich viel Spaß beim Lesen. :)

2 Gedanken zu „Yes!“

  1. we got the card!!! Thank you Lars, that’s a nice gesture! We were so glad to get it. We’re also glad that you had that wonderful experience & also to know that you’re ready to come back home is so good too

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