One of the last posts…

Hi folks, it’s me again.


This week was a pretty quiet week like the last few, so this will be a short blog post.


At work we are trying to set up a socket server, which could be difficult without any possibility to use a Command Line Interface on the current webserver. So we have to take a look at other possibilities.

We are also making a lot of debugging and testing with the micro controller we are using in the parking machine.


As for it is Friday, I am going out to have some drinks and I’m curious at what time I will be at home.

There will also be the Champions League Final tomorrow and at some Pubs there are already Flags of Dortmund and Munich outside on the walls.

We try to watch the match and have some fun.


That’s all for now. I think you can expect the next blog post in a couple of days.


See you soon.


Autor: Markus Staib

Ich bin 27 Jahre alt und derzeit Fachinformatik-Azubi bei der Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Seit mitte Februar bin ich ein "Cisco Certified Network Associate".

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