A trip with Laurel & Hardy

Dear reader,

on Saturday i was called by Erkan and Stefan. No wait… ERIK and Stefan. Sorry, my fault!
However: I was called by them and they ask me if we want to go to the coast. After we saw the pictures of Lars, we wanted to see the coast as well.

After our short journey in the „pisstrain“ (by Erik Herzog) we arrived in Howth. We have thought about sheeps, nice big cliffs and old castles but the first thing we saw was a big amusement park. Around one Billion people with cameras and little fat kids with ice cream, like in a bad american film.

We try to escape as fast as we can and after a few minutes of walking we see our target. The cliffs! Exactly like in the kerrygold butter advertisement!

Here are some pictures from our trip:

The cool one... and Stefan xD
The cool one... and Stefan xD
After the first 30 meter...
After the first 30 meter...
Without any words
Without any words

It was just a perfect day and that is the reason why I wanted to travel to ireland. Thanks to Erik and Stefan 🙂



Autor: Alexander Schädlich

Hallo mein Name ist Alexander Schädlich, ich bin Azubi im Max- Planck- Institut des Lehrjahres 2011 und fahre im April 2013 nach Dublin (Irland).

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