I don’t find one \(°o°)/ …

Dear reader,

it’s Friday again. On Monday I told my colleagues in the apartment, that the time isn’t running anymore. But now we have just two weeks left… what the…!? Yesterday we watched the „Euro League“ final in Irish TV but only the last 10-20 minutes. I can’t be precise about that fact because our TV is so old that it didn’t show the minutes in the upper left corner.

The next big final between Munich and Dortmund will be watched in a pub or something like that. But our TV is still bigger than the screen of the apartment from Erkan & Stefan. You can watch a film or something like that on a mobile phone and it’s still bigger than this TV screen 😀

Today is also the meeting with Magaret but I need to work so I unfortunately can’t join.


Autor: Alexander Schädlich

Hallo mein Name ist Alexander Schädlich, ich bin Azubi im Max- Planck- Institut des Lehrjahres 2011 und fahre im April 2013 nach Dublin (Irland).

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