What? The second week is over?!

Here I am!

It is incredible. It felt like yesterday was Saturday the 6th and I am waiting for me flight, because the time is just running. My colleagues are still cool, my workplace nice and I like to stand up early in the morning just to go to work. All our Users are very friendly and helpful and if that´s not enough: The Big Bosses are also extreme friendly and helpful. If you ask me: This is a more familiar atmosphere than it could ever be in Germany. We are not laid back enough. This is a nice atmosphere we have here in Ireland.

After 2 very short weeks I am finally able to have no problems to find the way to work without my GPS and it becomes better, I am able to find the way back home walking. 😉

Why should I do this? Just because the Busses are so extremely expensive. So I burn some calories and save some money. That comes in handy!

I am still amazed from the friendliness of all the people here. If you walk against someone or stand in their way, they only say “Oh, Sorry!”. I walk against them and they say sorry! In Germany I would be beaten. 😀

Wednesday I took the Bus and sat next to an older woman. I was listening music when she suddenly began to talk to me. She asked me, where I am from. I said Germany. And then she started to ask me, where she should go, because next week she will go to Berlin. Funny coincidence. And then she told me about a turret clock, I every day pass by. I never realized it, but this clock is called the “Four-Face-Lier”. All of her 4 sides shows an other time. It´s on my list of fotos I want to upload. 🙂

Thursday I was in the St. Patricks Cathedral. A very phenomenal and impressive building! But I have to say, it´s more interesting from the outside than from the inside. However, it was worth the 4,50€ entrance. Here a picture from the cathedral:


St. Patricks Cathedral

I am not sure if we read us tomorrow. I will take a tour with a girl from my workplace. It is a tour about the old celtic culture. We will see some castles and other real cool stuff. It starts at 8am and ends at 5pm. Imagine, I would never think about to stand up on 6am on an Saturday in Germany. I hope (and I am sure :D) it is worth to stand up that early!


See you Guys!

Time is running

Dear Reader,

it feels like yesterday that I take my clothes, put it in my suitcase and start that adventure but now we are almost two weeks in Ireland. Everything is okay at the moment but I think in few weeks I will miss my family and friends.

The working place is still perfect for me and my english. I made first level support (where I need to talk with people :O), the exchange migration and other small things like reinstall computer’s, configure our new NAS or stuff like that. In our break’s we talk a lot about football and our team’s we support. Especially it’s a funny thing that there are a 2 German teams and 2 Spanish teams in the semifinals of the champions league. With all the Spanish guy’s here, hopefully Munich and Dortmund will win 😀

I'm working on the right hand side
I'm working on the right hand side

Before we start our journey, a lot of people told me that the Irish people are more relaxed and doesn’t work that much and stuff like that, but in my opinion they are working as hard as the German’s and they are more stressed. The only difference is this very courteous communication, no matter how stressed they are.

Not much happened in the last few day’s so we will read us later.


Yours sincerly,
