
Well we didn´t go out on Friday. Why I don’t know, I forgot the reason, I think we just hang around.

On Saturday I slept long. After sleeping, getting awake and eating breakfast we began to setup our pc to do a little LAN Party. In the evening we began to play the first Game openarena.

At 22 o’clock the party started in our house! Downstairs the French people had a Party and upstairs the Spanish people the other party! So there was much travel in this house and there also were people from the University, so I met a German guy who told us what we can do here, respectively what we absolutely have to do. So we had a typical home party with typical drunk people, on the whole it made quite a lot of fun!

Sunday was our food-buying-day. That’s the good thing in Belfast, you can buy food every day. So that the primary care for the week is guaranteed.

In evening we started the LAN Party and a couple of other guys who also are on oszimt were still around and we played together. We played games such as openarena C&C3 and Wolfensteil. But we had some problems because the games are already very old and needed things like IPX. Anyway we had a lot of fun.

See you soon!

#10 – Howth


as Erik and Alex already wrote we have been in Howth on Saturday to see the cliffs where Lars has been. Sadly we only made it there late as we had to do lots of stuff in the morning.

There is nothing much more I can write as they already pointed out almost everything. It has been great as the weather was incredible and the landscape stunning. We intend to go there one more time, just earlier (and hopefully without that nasty amusement park).

There is something you can be jealous of what i feel like it has to be pointed out a bit more:

Jackpot-living houses like this one!



This is just incredible, I would love to live there!

As Erik and Alex already provided pictures and also the ones I would have posted, I will safe the data-space and just ask you kindly to have a look at their Blog entrys.

I’m looking forward to go there again! Will tell you about it!



Again nothing really new…

Hi folks, it’s me again.


There was again nothing really new since my last post.

The Weekend was kind of quiet and I focused myself on learning some more PHP and rest.


Again I wonder about the weather. In one second there is the sun and it’s warm and beautiful. In the next second it is raining like it hadn’t rained for the last 3 months and a couple of seconds later it is like if nothing happened and the sun shines again.


At work we are trying to bring our web project to an end. We implemented JavaScript, JQuery and Ajax and are now looking for some PHP tools to debug and test everything.

While we were doing this, we also made some more tests with the machine and advanced in building our power circuits for the devices.


I’ll make my next post before the weekend. Until then I hope that you are enjoying what you’ve read so far.


See you soon.
