The dark side…

Dear Reader,

the weekend was as short as the weekend before. On Friday we were very tired, on Saturday we sleep until 3pm and at the evening we met our colleagues. Than we sleep again until 3pm on Sunday and the weekend is over.

I can’t show you any photos of that because it would ruin your view on our group and hopefully nobody is disappointed about that. But these evenings are a good way to hear something about the others and their working places.
Of course I read a lot Blogs and Blogpost’s but it’s way better to hear it directly and especially the story’s from Erik and Stefan are very funny every time. At this point: Greetings to them! Our apartment now not only sucks because it’s a ruin but also because we don’t clean it for a while. We will manage it today… maybe tomorrow 😀 *If we wait 2 weeks the food maybe will move itself to the garbage…* that’s an option but i think not a good one. No I’m just joking 😉 It’s a normal chaos for an apartment with 4 guys in it.

(of course we clean that on the same evening)
(of course we clean that on the same evening)

So that’s it for today. Please don’t take my Post to serious 😉

See you next time,
