#6 – Weekends

< “Hey everyone, it’s me again” – hell who is “me” supposed to be? I always have to scroll down and look for the name of the blogger, so let me introduce myself properly. >

“Hey everyone, this is Stefan.” – HA! Take that, Blog!

Well, I said before I will tell you a bit about my weekends. Still I believe this one will be a quickie in terms of blog-entry-length-whatever-input-stuff-here.

To the topic: we generally try to go outside and see places we have yet not visited. This of course depends on the weather. As a few colleagues already did point out, it is quite unpredictable. We went around a lot last Sunday and visited temple bar (and of course a pub.). This time we had splendid live-music. Sadly, as it was a Sunday, we weren’t able to stay long.



Even though James (my mentor) advised me not to go drinking in temple bar, as it is far more expensive than elsewhere, there are still a few Pubs I will definitely visit. Other than that, we plan to visit the port (or harbour) and we intend to visit places outside of Dublin; of course including a few castles. Below a few pictures of a quite impressive church we passed by. It’s the christ church.



Well, that’s it for now and I have yet no idea what my next entry will be about. I guess when I don’t know what to write about but i will find something of course. See you then.