Finally there is a little bit… Deutsch!



Das wars. Man möge mir verzeihen, aber meinen letzten Eintrag werde ich einfach mal ganz frech in Deutsch verfassen.


Was soll ich sagen… Ich bin unendlich froh, endlich wieder in Deutschland zu sein. Klar, Irland hat unglaublich viele Vorteile, Dinge, von denen wir uns in Deutschland eine Scheibe von abschneiden könnten. Aber alles in Allem bevorzuge ich doch das Land in dem ich groß geworden bin.


Was ich vermissen werde ist die lockere Art der Iren. Der Chef wird einfach mit seinem Vornamen angesprochen und wenn man jemanden anrempelt hört man eine entschuldigung anstatt dämlich angeblafft zu werden.

Dennoch bin ich froh wieder hier zu sein. Preiswertes Essen, mein Bett, mein Computer… Bin schon fleißig dabei den ein wenig zu optimieren und mit den Erfahrungen aus Irland zu optimieren. Ich weiß, dass keiner meiner irischen Kollegen das hier lesen wird, aber „Guys, you were awesome!“.

Ich habe viel gelernt. Sowohl über die Kultur, als auch über die Arbeitsweise der Iren. Was mich besonders überrascht hat ist die Tatsache, das uns zur Vorbereitung gesagt wurde „Leute, erwartet nicht da irgendwas technisches zu lernen. Ihr seid da um Englisch zu lernen!“

Nun, bisher habe ich nirgends soviele interessante und neue Sachen gesehen. Vielleicht nicht alles optimal, aber doch zumindest anders. Ja, ich mochte es da unwahrscheinlich! Ich weine den Leuten und den Arbeiten dort mehr als nur eine Träne hinterher. Das ändert nichts an der Tatsache das Irland vermutlich nicht der richtige Ort für mich zum Arbeiten ist.

Ich möchte dem Leonardo-Da-Vinci Projekt dafür danken, dass es uns diese Möglichkeit geboten hat.

Da sind noch so viele Dinge die ich gerne schreiben würde. Die einen positiv, die einen nicht so positiv. Aber ich möchte diesen Blog hier nicht sprengen und endlich mit meinem Bericht anfangen. Von daher:


Vielen Dank fürs Lesen! Stattet Irland mal einen Besuch ab, und wenn ihr mal in Italien eine Tour durch Rome oder so machen möchtet: Dark Rome (mein Arbeitgeber in Irland) ist ein guter Ansprechpartner. Engagierte Leute, mit viel Freude am Job. Die Bewertungen im Internet sprechen für sich, und meine Einblicke da ließen auch nur positives an Dark Rome schließen. 😉 Genug der Werbung, bis dann!


Euer Lars



End of a nice internship

Hi Guy’s

The last week is over. My last two workdays were very nice. I finished my project and at Tuesday after lunch I demonstrated it to my colleagues. They were very happy about the result. After my last day I got a little card with wishes to me from my colleagues. I was happy about that because it was a nice gesture and the praise to my project was the best present 😀 .

Yesterday was a quiet day. We relaxed at home and walked a little bit in Dublin. At 6 p.m. Stefan, Moppi and I went to Nick, Lars, Felix, Mike and Marius. In their garden we played ping-pong and did a barbeque. It was a very nice evening.
Today we eat our breakfast in the O’Sheas pub. It was delicious and after the breakfast we drank an Irish coffee ^^

At 1 p.m. our colleagues from Belfast arrived. They left their bags at out place. After a little talk we showed them the city and relaxed in the Saint Steven’s Green Park. All in all it was a very nice last day.

Now we cook our last dinner in Dublin. It was a very nice day.

Tomorrow or Saturday you can read my result about this internship.

See you in Germany 😉

Party and CL Final

HI Guy’s


Friday was a nice day. At work it was OK. The work was normal and I got the news, that I have holidays at Wednesday and Thursday.

So my last day is Tuesday. Now I have a little bit of stress, because I want to finish my project.


At home I eat something and after the dinner we met with our colleagues in a little nice pub. After some drinks we went to a club. It was a very nice night and at 5a.m. I was at home.


Saturday was very quiet. I bought me new shoes and food for the last week. The weather was very nice. I did nothing but I relaxing the afternoon.

In the evening I met my colleagues in the city center. We searched for a pub to watch the Champions League Final. After a long search we found a nice one.

The game was nice. In this pub, there were other German guys, which were so crazy because one girl (Bayern Munich fan) was shouting the whole time.

See you later

#22 – German Paperwork and a farewell

Mymy, German paperwork is something for itself.

How complicated can it get? I need to file up so much stuff that I am loosing track of it. Also I need to make sure Robert Doyle gets his part done as he, of course, cannot know what is necessary.

Still I believe I will manage in a timely manner and I should have everything ready by today. So I got some cake as a farewell present for my colleagues today. They really appreciated that! Guess they are much into cake here, don’t get it too often.

Even if my time here was exceptionally great I am looking forward to get home. Luckily I will have holidays then. I guess I will just be lazy then and do as less as possible.

Will tell you more about my homecoming when i am actually home! That will be my last entry then of course.



Just a couple of days to go…

Hi folks, it’s me again.


On Friday we were going out and it was again a lot of fun. On Saturday we watched the Champions League Final and after that, some colleagues and I tried to party again but we were not fit enough after we partied hard on Friday.


The rest of the weekend was pretty quiet and thankfully I got two free days (Wednesday and Thursday) to prepare for my departure to Germany.


At work, I am preparing all the Documents I need and finishing all the projects I was working on.


It was a nice and interesting time here in Dublin but I will be glad to be back in Germany.


If there won’t happen any interesting things in the last couple of days, I won’t write any further Blog post. So you won’t see anything new from me.




Middle of Week #7


it is my last weekend in Belfast and the weather couldn’t be better I hope it stays this way for our last few days and continues this way in Germany.

My last few days at work where pretty quiet, on Wednesday my colleague left an ECR(electronic cash register) PC on my desk and asked to reinstall the operating system and install all the necessary updates, needed software and disable all unnecessary features and services for the standard user account. It wasn’t much of a challenge but still it took most of my time this day.
On Thursday Graham asked me if I could test the network equipment for an event this weekend he supported. I needed to test the functionality of the access points and the cables, I actually had to reattach the RJ45 at one of the cables because it was in an unusable shape.
Friday was my last working day and the IP camera we ordered for the Hill Climp race on 1st of June to observe the start line; for the announcer and stuff. My colleagues left me with configuring the IP camera and the needed access point for the day. After I was finished with this I left work a bit earlier.
I will be going to Cultra an on Wednesday to say my final farewells and to return the things I borrowed for our apartment, like network cables and speakers.

Today we went on a tour through Belfast to take a better look at things we haven’t been able to see or visit until now, and me being an idiot, again, forgot my SD card for the camera in my laptop :/ so I will do another round on Tuesday while the rest of the guys is on the tour to Giant’s Causeway.

I will leave you with this and a picture of a bird.

Is this your Burd?

Enjoy your weekend!

Yours sincerely,



Your educational dose of the day:
Schrödinger’s iPad? New Breakthroughs in Quantum Computing


Hey there!


I am glad to tell you: This is the last Saturday in Ireland. YES!

We were told, that the longer you are here, the longer you want to stay here. No. I think, that doesn´t fit to anyone of us. Nearly everyone has enough now. Don´t understand me wrong, it is very nice here and I really, REALLY like my workplace here. But I don´t want to stay here any longer. I really look forward the flight next week.

My week was a week like everyone. Yesterday my company made some kind of a „Schnitzeljagd“. This was really fun. And of course there was a lot of alcohol included. 😉

I am sorry that this blog-entry is so short, but I have to do some other things. I have to write my report and do the presentation about my internship here in Ireland.

This evening is the CL-finale. I am not sure if I want to watch this with. I will definitely not go into a pub. Therefor I do not care enough about football.


One week remaining!! 😀




One of the last posts…

Hi folks, it’s me again.


This week was a pretty quiet week like the last few, so this will be a short blog post.


At work we are trying to set up a socket server, which could be difficult without any possibility to use a Command Line Interface on the current webserver. So we have to take a look at other possibilities.

We are also making a lot of debugging and testing with the micro controller we are using in the parking machine.


As for it is Friday, I am going out to have some drinks and I’m curious at what time I will be at home.

There will also be the Champions League Final tomorrow and at some Pubs there are already Flags of Dortmund and Munich outside on the walls.

We try to watch the match and have some fun.


That’s all for now. I think you can expect the next blog post in a couple of days.


See you soon.


#21 – Spam


As the weeks are just flying by and I will soon enough be gone someone else will be responsible for the backups I did so far. Originally it was supposed to be his task anyway, my colleagues just stalled this plan for me. So as of now I am showing him how it is done, as he was so far just responsible for the workshop and hardware repairs.

Other than that I am doing a lot of tickets and phone calls and I am surprisingly fast in solving most issues on my own. If I can’t solve it on my own, my colleagues will always support me, as soon as I give them a note and they will show me how its done.

It is a really nice working environment which I will definitely miss in Germany. I will also miss the customers politeness and friendliness as well as their appreciation for my work.

Well, that’s it for this week! *YAY*