#18 – ICCSC ^^

Hey there,

On a short note I would like to tell you something about a certificate we might do. It is called ICCSC as the headline says, I’ll hide the full name somewhere in the text to force you to read it if you want to know. So as most of us already told you, no walker really cares about the traffic lights. We just pass the street when they are clear, some people who obviously graduated already just cross at any time. They seem to feel stronger than buses I guess. Additionally we sometimes have bus drivers who seem to have been playing too many racing games. There are bumps on our way to work and they just try to jump over them so we get shaken through quite well. The Taxis turn around on a full street whenever they see fit. When any driver approaches a red traffic light they just ignore holding lines. So the traffic is just a mess. And the shopping streets where, no cars are allowed, are a mess as well. Ireland City Center Survival Certificate. They are just overloaded with people any time of the day, while those people don’t seem to be able to walk in a straight line. This forces everyone to circle through the street somehow, what than again will make you take 3x the time you would actually need. They really have no idea how to make any room when its narrow and you try to pass them. When I would not ALWAYS turn my shoulder back I would ALWAYS run them over. Especially the old people are great at requiring more space then they can possibly need. I thought the Berlin people are bad about letting someone off a train or bus, but the Irish people just top this. They make no room AT ALL. And again it’s particularly the old ones being in the way. Still we manage to get to our destinations somehow and by now we manage to pass anyone swiftly.

Actually this is just some blabbering as there is not much to talk about beside work and nice quite evenings.

See ya!




Autor: Stefan Korte

So, da bin ich nun im Seminar zum Theman Bloggen und darf ein paar erste Worte zu mir schreiben. Irland wird definitiv spannend, ich hoffe ich komme zu den DCNetworks in Dublin ;). Der Auslandsaufenthalt ist, wie bei allen anderen auch, Teil der Ausbildung - sozusagen ein Bonus. Alles weitere schreib ich später in ruhe. Bis dann!

Ein Gedanke zu „#18 – ICCSC ^^“

  1. First thing: I hate old people. And I hate groups of people who are walking side by side. I take my minimum space on the outside of the sidewalk and then just walk straight without any shoulder movement. Try that Stefan… we have very sharp bones wuhahaha

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