OAPEN has recently sent us the access statistics for the last year. OAPEN is a repository for open access books. All our books are listed there, in addition to our OMP platform.
It is interesting to see in how far one or the other platform is used, and how the differences could be explained. The raw data are given below.
OMP pdf downloads 2016
The future of dialects | 16137 |
Grammatical theory | 7081 |
New directions in corpus-based translation studies | 3798 |
Einführung in die grammatische Beschreibung des Deutschen | 2981 |
The Alor-Pantar languages: History and typology | 2546 |
Natural causes of language | 2332 |
The empirical base of linguistics | 2197 |
Roots of language | 2066 |
Advances in the study of Siouan languages and linguistics | 1795 |
Einführung in die grammatische Beschreibung des Deutschen² | 1717 |
Linguistic variation, identity construction and cognition | 1431 |
Thoughts on grammaticalization | 1397 |
Adjective attribution | 1291 |
The evolution of grounded spatial language | 1216 |
A grammar of Yakkha | 1192 |
Eyetracking and Applied Linguistics | 1125 |
A grammar of Palula | 1057 |
The Talking Heads experiment | 941 |
Syntax und Valenz | 933 |
The evolution of case grammar | 889 |
Die Sprachwissenschaft | 836 |
A grammar of Pite Saami | 763 |
Language strategies for the domain of colour | 729 |
How mobile robots can self-organise a vocabulary | 712 |
A grammar of Mauwake | 651 |
Prosodic detail in Neapolitan Italian | 605 |
Grammaticalization in the North | 568 |
A typology of marked-S languages | 501 |