Book number three in Studies in Diversity Linguistics has been published.
A first graphical overview of the workflow a manuscript has to pass should help the editors and authors to get an overview of the process.
New Book: A grammar of Pite Saami by Joshua Wilbur
LaTeX Template @ writelatex
Language Science Press LATEX template available on
10th Series
Computational Models of Language Evolution accepted as 10th series of Language Science Press
LaTeX Presentation Template
LATEX port of presentation template finished (Sebastian Nordhoff, Stefan Müller). (handouts of the DGfS presentation in CI)
First Book Published
The first book is out: Corinna Handschuh’s A typology of marked-S languages
Update 07.03.2014: The book is now archived on the document server of the Freie Universität Berlin.
Update 08.03.2014: Book announcement posted on the Linguist List
Presentation at DGfS 2014: Open-Access-Bücher für die Linguistik: Language Science Press
Presentation of Language Science Press at the annual meeting of the DGfS (German association of linguistics).
Hörsaal 00/0020 im Hörsalgebäude, 05.03.2014, 12:45–13:45
We introduce Language Science Press, publish the first three books and discuss open access in general and our approach (financed by the DFG with more than 575.000€) in particular. The talks will be in German, the discussion in German or English.
- Martin Haspelmath (MPI-EVA Leipzig): Warum die Linguistik Open-Access-Bücher braucht
- Stefan Müller (FU Berlin): Kostenlose elektronische Bücher bei Language Science Press
Web Design
Grant Received
Language Science Press got a DFG grant over 576,989 € for two years (grant proposal). Only two out of 17 projects are financed (11.76 % accaptance rate).
The DFG Press Release says that the DFG Hauptausschuss considers the funded projects to be organizatorial and technically convincing models for financing, publication, distribution and archiving peer-reviewed high-quality open access monographs for their discipline and that these models can be used by other disciplines as well. (`Die geförderten Vorhaben haben nach Ansicht des Hauptausschusses sowohl in organisatorischer als auch in technischer Hinsicht überzeugende Modelle zur Finanzierung, Publikation, Verbreitung und Archivierung von qualitätsgesicherten Open-Access-Monografien für ihr jeweiliges Fach vorgelegt, die auch von anderen Fächern nachgenutzt werden könnten.’)