#2 – First impressions, supermarket prices and pub density

Hello again folks,

as promised I will now tell you a story of first impressions on the outside, the first supermarket prices we saw and a bit of the Irish „architecture“. But first I need to apologize as I did not have had the time to take any pictures of this yet. Maybe I will be able to do so on the weekend. Also, for now at least, I am writing about pastly events but i guess i will catch up soon enough.

Well, enough introduction, lets get to the topic:

So right after we stored our Luggage, we went outside to get the first items required for our survival. The first thing we noticed was the garbage laying around on the side of the streets. This down is really „dirty“ – and i don’t mean the positive kind of „dirty“, like in „dirty girls“, as most guys might be thinking right now! On the other hand we seem to be living right beside a big shopping street, and between a few more hostels, so there are lots of people everywhere.

Second thing noticable where the weird ample sounds (these sounds are actually for the blind citizens). As soon as the ample turns green (and yes, we also have a yellow traffic-light for walkers), you actually hear some thing you would sort to as a lasergun-sound and a ticking afterward. We noticed that many people are are making jokes about this, just like we do „pew tiktiktiktik“.

There are quite a lot supermarkets around so we had a look at the first one we saw – „Spar“. This one actually is as expensive as german gas stations are (yes, we thought we are screwed at this moment)! We checked about 2 more until we found a „Super Valu“. This was better, but still disastreous compared to germany. A whole toast-bread actually costs about 1,50 € here. Well we where exhaustet and had no other choice, so we did gather all items of desire and got home.

Home again my roommates pointed to me, that there are police- or ambulance-sirens going on all the time. They are right! This feels like a kind of „real-life-GTA with 4 stars“! (this joke actually goes to marku, thanks a lot!). They also noticed the sea-gulls that where quite loud before i did. -> If I close my eyes and stick my feets into a bin filled with sand i could mentally „escape“ to a beach! *yay*

Last thing we actually noticed on our first lookaround: there are pubs EVERYWHERE. And I am not exaggerating when I say there is one at literally every corner Dublin has got to offer. We of course tried one on our first evening. It was decend but lacked life music (WE WANTED LIFEMUSIC!). We will look for something like that next weekend i guess.

So this is it for this entry. My next Blog entry will include the task to get means of communications for us, and incredible helpful people, so keep on reading!


Autor: Stefan Korte

So, da bin ich nun im Seminar zum Theman Bloggen und darf ein paar erste Worte zu mir schreiben. Irland wird definitiv spannend, ich hoffe ich komme zu den DCNetworks in Dublin ;). Der Auslandsaufenthalt ist, wie bei allen anderen auch, Teil der Ausbildung - sozusagen ein Bonus. Alles weitere schreib ich später in ruhe. Bis dann!

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