What the weather…

Hi folks, it’s me again.


Now we have about one and a half weeks behind us and there is one thing I recognized just today, the changes in the weather.

I don’t know how to explain it, because it is totally weird. When we were visiting the Guinness Storehouse on Monday last week, I figured out that the wind, despite the normal temperatures, could be terrible.
But since today afternoon I know for sure. It is like a hurricane just as I am writing these letters. For me as a smoker that is not allowed to smoke inside it is like a punishment.
It’s like the wind wants to annoy me. Besides that, it is not really possible to walk outside without some protective walls because the wind will play with you and push you around.
If you ignore the wind (if possible) the weather is pretty fine, it’s not too cold or too warm.


At work it is going to become more IT related. I am now responsible (together with a colleague) to write some PHP functions for our reporting software and later I may be able to finally use some of my networking skills when we are testing the system on the streets.


This time there are no pictures that I could come up with. We didn’t go out the last couple of days. Maybe at the weekend, when there is more time to go out. But when we do, we will try to take a look at the Temple Bar District. Maybe we find some interesting spots and/or people.


See you soon.



Autor: Markus Staib

Ich bin 27 Jahre alt und derzeit Fachinformatik-Azubi bei der Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Seit mitte Februar bin ich ein "Cisco Certified Network Associate".

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