#6 – Weekends

< “Hey everyone, it’s me again” – hell who is “me” supposed to be? I always have to scroll down and look for the name of the blogger, so let me introduce myself properly. >

“Hey everyone, this is Stefan.” – HA! Take that, Blog!

Well, I said before I will tell you a bit about my weekends. Still I believe this one will be a quickie in terms of blog-entry-length-whatever-input-stuff-here.

To the topic: we generally try to go outside and see places we have yet not visited. This of course depends on the weather. As a few colleagues already did point out, it is quite unpredictable. We went around a lot last Sunday and visited temple bar (and of course a pub.). This time we had splendid live-music. Sadly, as it was a Sunday, we weren’t able to stay long.



Even though James (my mentor) advised me not to go drinking in temple bar, as it is far more expensive than elsewhere, there are still a few Pubs I will definitely visit. Other than that, we plan to visit the port (or harbour) and we intend to visit places outside of Dublin; of course including a few castles. Below a few pictures of a quite impressive church we passed by. It’s the christ church.



Well, that’s it for now and I have yet no idea what my next entry will be about. I guess when I don’t know what to write about but i will find something of course. See you then.



Autor: Stefan Korte

So, da bin ich nun im Seminar zum Theman Bloggen und darf ein paar erste Worte zu mir schreiben. Irland wird definitiv spannend, ich hoffe ich komme zu den DCNetworks in Dublin ;). Der Auslandsaufenthalt ist, wie bei allen anderen auch, Teil der Ausbildung - sozusagen ein Bonus. Alles weitere schreib ich später in ruhe. Bis dann!

2 Gedanken zu „#6 – Weekends“

  1. (…)Hey everyone, it’s me again(…)

    Hello me… nono sorry don’t read the other stuff so far. Hi Stefan 😉

    can you remeber where you find that irishchurchcastlething!?

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