The last Wekkend Mr. Bavar and Mrs. Janecke were to visit us! On Friday we met her in a pub at her hotel. We talked and drank. But not to much, because they wanted to get the plane to home, unfortunately they could not so long.
So, then we are went further in the club, called „Fitzsimons“, and since we did party, until we „kicked out“ are… as ever… so 3pm.
On Saturday I was at the Guinness Brewery. It is unfortunately not purely in the right Brewery. For visitors, there is the Guinness Storehouse, where the most important parts of the factory were adjusted. It is seven floors high and when you reach the top, you get a pint (which is 568ml) for free.
There you can see over the city and until the sea. But, like I sad, the weather was not so good this Weekend.
On Sunday, we were initially in the Q-Bar, where we drank a beer and chilled. Then we went into the adjoining club, called „Twenty One“. This is a club, which play R&B and a bit charts, mostly. What we did not know, this evening was a foam party there. Yeah … It was super fun, although I was at the end pretty wet, of course. At this point, greetings to Germany! And yes, we have long celebrated
… because we had Monday one holiday. It was a spring holiday.
The beautiful weather we have sent to Germany this weekend! For here it is very rainy. … Ireland, as I imagined!
Since tuesday, Mr. Schlenger is here in Dublin to visit us. And we were tuesday and yesterday with him in a pub, called Porterhouse.
I wanted a few pictures to upload, but there is not enough space and that although the pictures of me are gone. Maybe I can make up for it yet.