Mit der Entsendung von Fachinformatik-Azubis in ein Auslandspraktikum setzt der afib (Ausbildungsverbund Fachinformatik Berlin) im Raum Berlin/Brandenburg nun im zweiten Jahr einen weiteren Meilenstein zur Steigerung der Qualität in der IT-Ausbildung. Die afib-Azubis des Lehrjahres 2009 sind Teil einer Gruppe von ca. 30 Auszubildenden, die ab Mai 2010 einen achtwöchigen Auslandsaufenthalt in Irland verbringen.
Well it’s our last day here in Dublin and tomorrow our flight to Berlin goes at 7.30am. I am looking forward to see my friends and family even though I actually don’t really want to leave Ireland right now. I hope to come back here sometime in the near future. I had a really great time here and I am very thankful for the opportunity. Thanks to everyone supporting and organizing this trip.
Until tomorrow,
Berlin calling
That’s it. I enjoyed the time and I’m glad to come back to Berlin.
I still have something to do at work such as installing 2 laptops or changing hardware on a server. I purchased some cake and muffins for today. Now everyone is saying good bye to me and I’m feeling kind of sad at the moment.
But going home to Germany sounds really good and I am looking forward to seeing my girlfriend and my family again.
Nevertheless, I’d like to say thanks to all the people in the programm that made it possible for me to get the chance to work and live in ireland. Thanks a lot to the OSZIMT and the Afib for planning and supporting us.
I think this will be my last article and won’t write any more blog entries.
Last Day
this is it. My last day at work, nothing left to do just waiting for my signatures. I’am nearly finished to pack my bags and looking forward to have a last (short) night in Belfast. We have to take the bus in Belfast at o2.oo in the morning to arrive at Dublin airport on time.
It was a really good time here. My workplace was interesting and I learned a lot of things. Belfast is a nice city and David, Oliver and I had a good time here!
In diesem Sinne, wir sehen uns in Berlin!
Last weekend in Dublin
Friday evening we had a quite big party at a friend’s flat, mainly to say goodbye to all of them because it’s our last weekend. It had been a very nice evening.
On Saturday there was a big festival in Dublin: the “Gay Pride”, as you can imagine there where hundreds of people in the city center. I had a few nice conversations and meet even some straight girls. Later that evening some friends from Belfast joined us. I knew them from the last weekend when we have been to Belfast.
On Sunday I went to the Jameson Old Distillery with my friends from Belfast. The Guided Tour was quite interesting but quite expensive.
Afterwards we watched the match Germany – England. There have been surprisingly many Germans and German supporters. You could hear there were less supporters for the English team when they shoot there first goal.
Afterwards we went to the beach in Malahide. There were a lot of people enjoying the good weather and Tim and I joined some friends to relax there. I wanted to try the temperature of the water so got into the water with my feet when suddenly a friend push me so that I dropped into the water and my pants was completely wet. Of course I wanted my revenge so I took her and jumped into the water while carrying here. The water was surprisingly warm. Here you can see the result:
Maybe it was not the best idea because I couldn’t change my pants for a couple of hours.
Anyway see you soon,
doing the paperwork
I am really busy at the moment. There is a lot to do at work and I am really slowly while finishing all the paperwork that we have to do for the OSZIMT. There are several installations for different PCs and customers. I changed the pickup rollers on two printers and I had to upgrade the Disk space and RAM of two Server Systems. In addition to that, there is a Laptop which needs to be repaired (I think that I have to change the mainboard). Beneath, I’m trying to complete my european mobility pass and my report for the School.
Kevin, our organisator, is back in Belfast and we invited him to have dinner with us this evening. As no one else in the house is able to cook, I’ll have to do that. But I don’t care because it’s one of my hobbies.
So there ist not much time to get on with the paperwork and I think that I have to finish the report at home.
see you
The last days in Dublin…
Hi folks!
3 Days left before we back home. The last weekend in Dublin we were at the coast in Bray, we had nice weather and we could see the sea one more time. On Sunday we saw the brilliant victory of the Germans, too. We were in a big pub and celebrated with 40 other Germans. I’m happy, that I can see the next match against Argentina in Berlin, because at the fan fest in Berlin is still the best atmosphere. What’s the news at work? I think everything is unchanged, we test bugs and define the status for our 5 onlinebooking websites. Yesterday I complete all important documents and Philip our department manager have duly signed everything.
Berlin, We’ll come back 🙂
Greetz Chriz
Cliffs of Moher and than… hoarse
The last sightseeing trip was to the Cliffs of Moher, certainly I had to do.
I was also there with my colleagues Tino.
That was really impressive, but I think I mustn’t upload any pictures from this great cliffs, because Marco has in his entry „See the Cliffs of Moher“ really good pictures. I have many pictures, but we have not enough space and that would be really the same like marco’s.
We walked far along the cliffs until the peak in the south. The weather was also good except in the time, where were waiting for the bus.
Then… on sunday… we know it all, was the World Cup game, Germany against England. I have seen this game in a pub/club called Fitzsimons, on a screen with beamer.
There I have met many germans. But I thinks the english were a bit in the majority. And these english were not so happy after the first half time. 🙂 That I can understand…
Everyone knows the result, 4:1. All Germans, shouting very loudly as germany scored, especially the first two goals, so that I was hoarse.
It was really an awesome game.
So then… cu
Chapter 7: Job, different tasks and apartment trouble
Hello guys,
It’s been a while since my last Blog, I’m apologise for that, but I was kind of busy the last days and additionally I preferred to go outside to enjoy the beautiful weather instead of sitting at home and writing stuff which nobody really reads. Furthermore we have problems to access the internet in our apartment the last days. And it takes a while for me to write my Blogs anyways. Mostly every day a bit because I have other stuff to do at work… yeah, what a bridge…
Well, since my last Blog about my work placement happened a lot at my job. One of my tasks was to do a firmware update on a Dell switch and on a Cisco router (via a tftp-server I set up earlier). After that I had to configure the time zone, the summer-time and SNTP on the Cisco router, not a big challenge but I could lay a hand on Cisco devices at least… xD
Another day I had to completely disassemble a PC and assemble it with brand-new components like a Motherboard, the CPU, RAM, DVD-ROM and a power supply. After that I had to deploy that PC on some desk in the big office.
But a really ‘special’ task was to set up a notebook together with a DVB-T stick for – I bet you anticipate it – watching the Football World Cup. First I tested the functionality and searched for frequencies, after a little while I deployed it together with a beamer upstairs in some kind of meeting room. The original idea was to stream the Football games received via DVB-T to all or many PCs in the office, but any solution (I thought) I’ve found won’t work correctly at last, so it was dropped because other things are more important. Anyways, watching the games via beamer with your workmates together in a meeting room is more fun I think…
My other tasks were for example to install an Exchange Server on a virtual machine running Windows Server 2003 and install a program called Symantec Backup Exec 12.5 for doing some backup compatibility tests with the most recent version of Backup Exec. But the whole procedure was more pain than anything else because nothing worked like expected, so mostly I had to troubleshoot the different issues. However, finally it worked and I could restore a backup from version 12.5 in version 2010 on another tape.
At another time I had to install SQL Server 2005 with SQL Management Studio and programs called McAfee Endpoint Encryption and ePolicy Orchestrator for some tests again, honestly I don’t know what exactly. But same here: it won’t work, one problem after another and all the time boring troubleshooting. A complete reinstall with a new VM solved the problem at last.
Well, enough of the work for now…
We three from the Danesfort apartment had a kind of strange incident on last Monday. Actually it started 2 weeks earlier. At some beautiful morning, I was in my office yet, I got a call from Riccardo, who was still in the apartment. He told me that just a second ago were 4 strangers in our apartment standing right before the bathroom where Riccardo came from. They asked him if they can have a look at the bathroom he said. And Ric, drowsy as he was, forgot to ask who they are and what they want, he only noticed that they weren’t burglars or something like this. So it must be some official visitation…
I was really upset about that and just called the office where Kevin normally works (FGS Partnership) and talked to a secretary first and to Donal, Kevin’s boss, after that. I told them that I’m very unhappy about this incident because we had no time to prepare for the visit, therefore our whole valuables like notebooks, even money and other stuff were ‘spread’ all over the apartment plus we had no time to clean and tidy up our rooms. Honestly, I have no problems if someone wants to visit us, but we have to know that to prepare or better: somebody of us is thereby. Thereupon explained Donal that he feels bad about forgetting to give us a call, but on the other side he mentioned that he had send us a mail, but we never received one… After he had apologized that issue he promised that won’t happen anymore… Not a bit of it!
Two weeks ago on Friday Lucia, Kevin’s substitute, wrote as a mail that there would be another visitation on Tuesday at 5pm. We were happy about that massage because now we had the chance to prepare, so we wanted to clean up our apartment on Monday after work and ‘hide’ our valuables.
BUT, on Monday afternoon approximately at 4pm I got a call from another secretary from FGS: “I just want to let you know that there will be a visitation today at 5pm.” I mean what!? Rate my reaction as typical German, but c’mon give me a break, it has to do with some kind of privacy! It’s not only that they changed the appointment without telling us and that our apartment is still kind of untidy, they gave us a call merely one hour before the visitation starts. The only excuse was (again) that Donal mails us one or two days before, but we doesn’t received a mail again except the one from Lucia I told before and that the visitation can’t be changed because the housekeepers are responsible for that. What the hell is wrong with them? If we had known that a bit earlier one of us were maybe able to go to our apartment and could accompany them. That’s it, enough I thought. I asked my boss John if I could leave recently, so that I am able to catch them up hopefully. He totally gets my point and understands so I could go.
On the way home I randomly met Ric in the bus. He knows already what is going on because I called him before. After we reached our apartment we saw a younger woman and two guys in front of the main door. Certainly I asked them if they are the ones who made the visit in apartment 37 and confronted her with the situation. She explained that they had to change the appointment for some reason and that they mailed FGS about the change on Friday (!) before. That’s why we want to talk to Kevin the next days… Also she apologized for that because she won’t be amused if some strangers would ‘browse’ her apartment and underwear or other stuff, especially without letting her know, too. Besides she let us know that there will be another visitation on Thursday at 2pm with some customers who will buy this apartment maybe after we moved out. But that’s Ok because we finally had the time to prepare and to clean up right before somebody comes.
Well, that’s all for now. Sorry again that it took so long but I hope that I’m able to post another Blog the next days. It will be hard I guess based on the fact that we haven’t internet anymore and I definitely won’t buy new access for just 4 days, if that is the cause… But I can’t imagine that… We’ll see. Otherwise I’ll write the Blog and do the upload when I’m back in Germany.
Bye ^^
Last Monday in Belfast
Hi folks,
thats my last week in Belfast! At work is nothing special to do anymore. I just have to present the information – pc to my co-workers tomorrow. Furthermore, I prepare myself to leave Belfast and go back to my lovely city Berlin. It’s a shame that we could only take 20 kgs of luggage with us. It’s totally inadequate for a stay of 2 months in a foreign country. Well, let’s see …
By the way, german national team was awesome yesterday!
Daily Mail:
„At least the sun’s still shining! Germany crush England 4-1“
Remaining Days…
Without today there are only three more days left. For me its hard to beliefe, time went by so fast. I’m lucky if I did half of the things I wanted to do the time I’m here. By the way.. our last Weekend was great (Houseparty, Football and Beach.. nothing more to say here 😉 ).
There is not much to tell about my work, website still is ready but not online. I’m running out of work at the moment and there is nothing more to do for me in this company. I’ll try to enjoy the last working days here and hopefully meet a few of my new friends here so I’m able to say goodby to them.
Regards, Tim