Still no titel… miau

Dear reader,

today I need to talk about a little problem of the JBS Apartments were we living. The whole ground floor is a open parking deck and a little genius place the trash containers without any barriers right in this open…dark… parking deck. The containers are completely full every time we bring out our garbage and some peaces are lying on the ground. Anyway… at night there are maybe 5 Billion cats. And that perfectly fits with the whole house.

On the weekend we had a guest from gallway, I think from the „Bundesbehoerden“ as well as Steve and David. Another thing I need to remeber after this weekend: Don’t talk with Stefan on the phone while Erik celebrating his publicpornwatching. I hear things… you can’t imagine o__O And I needed to talk with the drunk Markus as well… so yeah my weekend was scary, fucked and full of mad people.

Yeah that’s it. I need so save some themes for the rest of the week because I will only work and don’t do anything else. I am really sorry for my colleagues that their post’s going down just because we need to spam.


End of Week #6

Hello everyone,

this week is almost and over and my last week at work is about to begin. I know officially our last day at work is the 30th of May but my colleagues said it’s alright  if I take the week of to do stuff I haven’t been able to, e.g go on a photo tour through Belfast.
But for now let me tell you about my weekend, OK there isn’t much to tell but still not much is better than nothing 😀
On Saturday I went shopping which was a big mistake because it was pouring the whole day and I was literally soaked from head to toe but nothing a nice hot shower can’t cure. I got myself a pair of nice beef steak and they were delicious, the meat on this island is really on of its plus points.
In the evening our Spanish neighbors held a farewell party for themselves because most of them will be leaving for Spain at the end of this week. I stayed till 2am, seeing as it was pretty boring I didn’t stay long, but a few stayed awake like 7am.
Today the weather was better and with better I mean it wasn’t raining. My flatmates took the opportunity to went shopping for themselves and to get our lunch. Furthermore for the first time since we are here we had to top off our gas card, which is kinda like a prepaid card, since we arrived in Belfast, in comparison our neighbors had to top off their gas like 3 or 4 times already and they started with the same amount.
We just finished eating diner, delicious self prepared burritos with more cheese than a doctor would call healthy.

Well that’s it for the moment, I hope you had a nice weekend and happy holiday.

Yours sincerely,

Useless information of the day:
Titin is the larges known protein (C169723H270464N45688O52243S912). It has the longest IUPAC name at 189.891 letters.
It takes approximately 3,5 hours to read it in its entirety. 

An awesome weekend

Yesterday was the tour to Giants Causeway. First I overslept, but thanks to Stefan I did not miss the tour. The whole day was rainy, but we saw a very nice place. First we visited the rope bridge. Even though it rained very hard we visited the bridge with much patience. After a long drive we arrived at the Giants Causeway. The rain was worst at this place. We visited the Giants Causeway too. It was very slippery there. But the moment at the ocean was really overwhelming.

Giants Causeway
Giants Causeway

Today Stefan and I did a shopping tour. After this “tour” we enjoyed the sun in the Saint Stephens Green Park. Now we are going to watch Breaking Bad and relax.


See you later guys

Almost done

Hi guy’s,

Thursday and Friday I was able to proceed with my program quite far. My task was to program a Graphic User Interface, which processes HTTP requests and Database queries. Also, I built a lot of buttons and text fields. In the upper picture you can see my program. For a little explanation, it sends a HTTP request to a webpage (SendGrid). You get information about your email history and the status of your sent mails. These two days were very hard concerning programming, because I had many issues. But at Friday everything worked fine. Richard controlled it and he was very satisfied. So this two days were very nice :D. In the next week I’ll publish my project and connect it with the database.

a part of my project
a part of my project

See you

Rain and a little bit from the famous Giants Causeway!



Today I was with three other colleagues at the Giants Causeway. It was very rainy and I was all wet after this day. I think I will get a strong cold, but the hell! It was worth it. I will not say that much, just look at the pictures and enjoy. Feel free to ask me! And by the way, sorry that there are so many pictures, but I wasn´t able to decide which ones to include and which ones to exclude. Giants Causeway and the Ropebridge where just awesome!!




Beer, Party and ABBA???

Hi folks, it’s me again.


As I feared, we are not making any real tests with the machine, just some basic testing of the code for the microcontroller. But we try to finish it as soon as possible. As we are making our tests, I am supposed to set up a PHP based Socket Server which should receive the data from the modem we are using inside of the machine.


On Friday we had an appointment with Margaret and Mr Döbler, one of our teachers in Germany. We talked more than one hour with him about nearly everything we are doing here in Ireland and about our apartments and workplaces.

After the meeting with Mr Döbler, some colleagues and I were making a Pub tour. On our way through the Pubs we saw this guy who was painting on some kind of telephone junction box.


ABBA. Seems legit.


Asking a colleague what band this should be (and giving hints like “the guys are called John, Paul, George and Ringo and they had a kind of successful Band in the 60s”), he guessed that this could be… “ABBA”.

After I almost peed myself, I told him that this is a picture of the Beatles. and then he realized why I was laughing that hard and started laughing.


At around 11 p.m. we were leaving the apartment and went to a nice area with some cool clubs. After we couldn’t enter the first club (one of us was under 21) we went to the next club [Copper Face Jacks] and we all had a good time.

After about 30 minutes I lost Nick (one of my colleagues) but we were able to find each other. But after about one or two hours later, I lost him again and this time we were not able to find each other again.

At around 3:30 a.m. I was trying to leave the club. The Club was so full that it was kind of a wonder that I found the exit. About half an hour later I arrived at our apartment without problems but completely drunk.

This was a really good night and I finally went out and was having some fun.

That’s all for today folks.


See you soon.


work week | week of work

Hey every body,

So first I’m nearly healthy again and the weekend can come! 😀 not like  last weekend!

The most time in this working week we have cleaned up the „trash corner“! There were many old PCs and old hardware!

So we were testing hardware like old pc’s, power supplie’s, Peripherals devises and so on.

After that we have put new workdesks in that corner!

Furthermore we get a lot of new laptops for the employees and on these laptops we had to installed windows 8 and lots of software we need in the company.

In this way we got new hardware for a desctop pc that I assembled. And NO!!! I did not choose this hardware because ther is a big ASUS mainboard inside for more than 270 Euro and I think a I7-3820 for 250 Euro and believe me they don’t need that! And the best is that the person who orders things forgot to order a CPU cooler! So I hope that the cooler is coming today (Friday) so I can finish the PC and can start to setup the RAID and the OS on this PC!

While I wait for the cooler I have begun to check if Zabbix can send mail notification over a office 365 server. I have not done much more this week with zabbix!

That was all about this „Working week“!

Middle of Week #6

Hello everyone,

it’s Friday evening and week #six is almost over and as I said before I’m looking forward to be back in Germany.

OK let me tell you about the last few days and I will start, as expected, with Wednesday. Well on Wednesday I took part in the NetRiders CCNA competition and as it turns out it was a typical Cisco Q&A session but still 18th place without any form preparation or motivkation is not that bad, I think but what do I care 😀  a competition doesn’t reflect what I’m capable. Furthermore I took care of user that called us with printer problems  and I was tasked with rebuilding a PC that is supposed to replace  the lecture PC in the training room, with rebuilding I mean to bring the software up to date and clean it.
On Thursday I had to prepare printers again seeing as they are currently replacing all printers older than 5 years I’m the poor lad tasked with setting up the new ones but work is work and it has to be done.
Today I help a user with installing the latest updates for Java on her Mac and creating a network share for one of her logging pcs. As it was Friday and the weather was really nice I left work a bit earlier and enjoyed the sunshine while sitting on a bench in Botanic Gardens.
And that’s pretty much it nothing much to report today 😀 I hope tell you something more interesting on Saturday.

Have a nice weekend!

Yous sincerely,


#18 – ICCSC ^^

Hey there,

On a short note I would like to tell you something about a certificate we might do. It is called ICCSC as the headline says, I’ll hide the full name somewhere in the text to force you to read it if you want to know. So as most of us already told you, no walker really cares about the traffic lights. We just pass the street when they are clear, some people who obviously graduated already just cross at any time. They seem to feel stronger than buses I guess. Additionally we sometimes have bus drivers who seem to have been playing too many racing games. There are bumps on our way to work and they just try to jump over them so we get shaken through quite well. The Taxis turn around on a full street whenever they see fit. When any driver approaches a red traffic light they just ignore holding lines. So the traffic is just a mess. And the shopping streets where, no cars are allowed, are a mess as well. Ireland City Center Survival Certificate. They are just overloaded with people any time of the day, while those people don’t seem to be able to walk in a straight line. This forces everyone to circle through the street somehow, what than again will make you take 3x the time you would actually need. They really have no idea how to make any room when its narrow and you try to pass them. When I would not ALWAYS turn my shoulder back I would ALWAYS run them over. Especially the old people are great at requiring more space then they can possibly need. I thought the Berlin people are bad about letting someone off a train or bus, but the Irish people just top this. They make no room AT ALL. And again it’s particularly the old ones being in the way. Still we manage to get to our destinations somehow and by now we manage to pass anyone swiftly.

Actually this is just some blabbering as there is not much to talk about beside work and nice quite evenings.

See ya!




I don’t find one \(°o°)/ …

Dear reader,

it’s Friday again. On Monday I told my colleagues in the apartment, that the time isn’t running anymore. But now we have just two weeks left… what the…!? Yesterday we watched the „Euro League“ final in Irish TV but only the last 10-20 minutes. I can’t be precise about that fact because our TV is so old that it didn’t show the minutes in the upper left corner.

The next big final between Munich and Dortmund will be watched in a pub or something like that. But our TV is still bigger than the screen of the apartment from Erkan & Stefan. You can watch a film or something like that on a mobile phone and it’s still bigger than this TV screen 😀

Today is also the meeting with Magaret but I need to work so I unfortunately can’t join.
