Our last week in Belfast now started and I was looking forward very much to your home.
The last day’s
At Wednesday I evaluated the scans I found an unprotected router so I connected to the router to sniff some internet traffic.
Final Entry
Hi reader,
I will make it short. So, after all this you surely asking yourself: „how was it overall?“, „would you recommend it?“ or something like this. „Final Entry“ weiterlesen
Welcome back
Good morning everyone,
now our internship in Northern Ireland has finished. Since yesterday, we are back in Berlin. Now I want to review the whole internship. Have fun!
That’s it!
The internship is now over.
The two months I spent in Belfast, were a great and successful experience I gained. There were good and bad things on the internship. „That’s it!“ weiterlesen
Last week
The last week started with a lot of trouble at work there was a problem with the Citrix-Server and no printer worked! So the phone rings the whole day, horrible! But after lunch the problem was fixed.
The last week is over
The last working week is over.
On Thursday I was able to build a complete printer apart to bring a spring back to their correct spot. „The last week is over“ weiterlesen
Last regular day in Belfast
Hey folks,
this is will be my last article in Belfast. Today it is the last regular day, also.
I took the day off, so I have time to clean up our room.
Saying goodbye to Belfast
We’re in the last week now and it’s Thursday already that means I have to say goodbye. „Saying goodbye to Belfast“ weiterlesen
The latest tasks
The Internship slowly comes to an end and now there are still some things to do. „The latest tasks“ weiterlesen