Old but Gold!

Hey Folks, how are you today? I am ok.
So it is the second week already. On monday I had a meeting with the whole ‚Wilson Computer‘ team. It was actually pretty good and we have been talking about my issues at work. I was able to explain my work situation and explained that it is not what I really wanted to do at the moment. My chief was appreciative and offered one of his „top secret business idea“ to me. That’s why i’m not able to talk about it ;-). I was thankful to have a little project to work with.

On top of that i worked as archaeologist this week. I found a very rare species. I could determine that the laptop was built between 1999 and 2002. The heartbeat was caused by an ‚Intel Pentium III‘ and an huge harddrive of 32 GB.

Here are some rare pictuers of it:

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I thought that those species were already dead, but they are still alive!! 😀

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