2700+ book downloads in two weeks: Interview with Roland Schäfer

Roland Schäfer

Roland, congratulations to your text book Einführung in die grammatische Beschreibung des Deutschen which got more than 2,700 downloads within the two weeks following publication and now leads the list of our most downloaded books.

Thanks a lot for publishing the book.

What is your textbook about? Are there not enough introductory textbooks around?

The book is about the basic facts of German grammar: surely not everything, but a large portion of what students of German linguistics should know about German grammar. At the same time, it introduces students to the standard methods used by linguists (at least traditionally) to dissect a language, i.e., mostly distributional analyses in phonology, morphology, syntax, and graphemics. No matter which theories or methods you’re going to use later, it’s hard to get by without knowing your basic categories…

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New features on our website

We have updated our website and are happy to announce a couple of new features:

Hall of Fame and Public Profiles

The Hall of Fame now shows links to public profiles of the users. To view the profiles you have to be logged in. The profile shows the institution and website you added  to your profile, as well as the bio statement you provided. Additionally, the public profile shows a person’s achievements supporting Language Science Press as author, proofreader or typesetter. The published monographs a user has worked on are listed here.

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Screencast “How to submit a manuscript”

In order to make the submission of manuscripts easier for authors, we have created a screencast.

You can also find the screencast on our website. More screencasts will follow soon. They will explain the general workflow within Language Science Press; the review process; LaTeX editing; etc. If you have particular wishes or other ideas, let us know in the comments.

2nd series editors’ meeting in Berlin


Microphone in hand and outer space camera at the far end: we are ready for the video conference!

The second series editors’ meeting took places in Berlin on Friday November 7.
After the last meeting in March the project has made good progress, and there are a number of decisions to be made. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, not all series could attend. Furthermore, a strike on the German railway network meant that Studies in Laboratory Phonology could also not be present. We made a virtue of necessity and tried a video conference in order to allow people who could not make it to attend nevertheless. We have now gained some experience with the setup now, and so future meetings will include this possibility right from the start, making general participation easier.

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