Hey everybody,
I had my job interview yesterday. The night befor I was so excited, that I didn´t slept so well. In my dream Riccardo was standing in front of my bed and he told me, that it was nonsens to go in the pub. Next day he convinced me from the opposite. Anyway, the job interview was quite good. Kevin came with me and gave me support. Two people, an old man and a younger one called Christy talk to me. The older man, how seemed to be the big boss had a realy rude accent. He mumbled a bit and spoke very fast. They asked me some questions aboute my apprentisechip and my work in germany and after 10 minutes they showed my the office, kitchen and the serverroom. Now it´s weekend and in the evening we will go the pub where my housemates went on thursday. I am a bit nervous because I am not allowed alcohol at all, but I think I will handle this. Hopefully the girls are nice and opendmindet, how Steffen and Riccarde told me ^^.
So, my next impression come soon…
Greetz Friedrich
Kategorie: Belfast
Chapter 2: Nightlife, unfamiliar frankness and alcohol
Hi folks!
On Thursday we’d got a call from our comrades of the 5 men apartment (they haven’t internet yet, poor guys…) to come to a pub called “The Botanic Inn”. Luckily this pub is not very far away from our apartment, only 10-15 minutes by foot, so Riccardo and I decided to go there. Friedrich prefers to stay in the apartment because he had an interview on Friday.
On our way to the pub we saw a house spotlighted by black light, that looks really cool but we didn’t took a photo, shame on us but maybe we take one next time… 😉
Finally in the Botanic Inn the first thing I noticed was the strong smell of beer and the fact that most of the people were already drunk. We found the others easily and after a short small talk and introduction how the things will work in the pub and with the girls in there, we bought our first drink: a typical Irish Cider (really delicious by the way). The price was around 3.20 pounds a pint I guess.
It took only a few minutes and we were introduced to some native guys the others met there earlier. They are friendly and frankly in fact, a little too intrusive but this was maybe the alcohol… xD Speaking of alcohol: I’ve never seen so many glasses falling to the ground, break into pieces and alcohol spilled all over somebody’s lap. That was kind of weird because nobody cares.
Anyways, the music there was a mixture of Rock’n’Roll, party music and other stuff I don’t know. Later this evening there was a band playing live-music. Not my kind of music, but the girls compensate this point. They are really nice and good-tempered (not to mention that most of them are epic hot dressed… whooohoooo!!!) so you can have easy conversations with them, especially when you tell them that you’re from Germany 😉 …but this goes for everybody else too. Otherwise a very few people confronts you with the old, typical German stereotype (you know, the Hitler and Nazi stuff), but they always said that is funny here… oO
Well folks, I still could tell you so much about this evening, for example that a homosexual guy was trying to pick up Konstantin (epic funny moment) or that two cute girls were for some reason extremely in love with my eyeglasses, so that they always wanted to wear it… But I think you experienced similar like this. That was a really great evening, it was a lot of fun, we even met an older guy from Germany who is living in Belfast since 2 years. Today we want to go to the “Botanic Inn” again… 😀
Yesterday Friedrich, Riccardo and I met us with Sebastian, David and Kevin and we talked about our upcoming workplaces. My work starts next Monday, so I will tell you about that when the time is right.
I think I’ll post a picture of my Thursday evening in the pub soon…
(And I hope my words are right resp. the text is readable. lol)
See you next time!
Hi guys,
The highlight of the day was to cook for my housemates Steffen and Riccardo. First I went with Steffen together to the supermarket to get some foot for cooking. Finally there was curry-chicken with rise on our plates.
Unhappily I got a cold like David. Since the workshop last weekend my sore throat wents to a real cold. So, the last two day I did everything to become healthy. Even I took a bath and now I will go to bed, because tomorrow there is my jobinterview. I am very nervous and I hope everything will be allright. Well, tomorrow I will give informations about the progress of the job interview.
Greetz Friedrich
Groundhopping Part I
May some of you know, I am a football fanatic! It is my duty to visit as many football grounds as possible.
I really like these britsh football stadiums. There are five teams located in Belfast: Linfield FC, Glentoran FC, Cliftonville FC, Crusaders FC and Donegal Celtic FC.
Unfortunatly all there grounds are scattered to the four winds and therefore I could only visit one stadium today. I choose the Windsor Park, home of Linfield FC.

Linfield FC is the most successfull team in Northern Irish Football by wining the nationale league title 49 times. Linfield’s home ground is Windsor Park, which is located in south Belfast.
Unfortunalty the season in northern irland is all over and I hoped this will not deter me from getting inside. Of course it did not 😉 So I can show you some pictures:

It was an awesome atmosphere even without any fans. I really like it and hope to watch some matches in Irland as soon as possible.
Best regards to my guys in Dublin and Belfast 😉 Pictures of other grounds will follow! If you are interested in higher quality and more pictures write me a mail!
PS: Sorry for being late, watching the Europe League – Finale between Fulham and Atlético Madrid with my spanish housemates 🙂
New Mobile-Numbers
Hey Guys…
here are our new Mobile-numbers:
Steffen: +44 (0) 7879949228
Riccardo: +44 (0) 7901244445
Friedrich: +44 (0) 7901085258
It would be nice if you could post your numbers too.
Greetz from sunny Belfast =)
Chapter 1: Arrival, surprise and exploring Belfast
Hello guys!
At first I have to apologize for my 0815-english, but I think it is readable… ^^
Well, I think I should start with a short explanation why I’m blogging and why about Belfast.
One part of my apprenticeship is a 8 weeks lasting internship in a foreign country, in my case it is Northern Ireland, more exact in the city of Belfast. During this time all of the internship participants (we were divided to Dublin, Belfast and Barcelona) had to blog their experiences at work and free time in another portal and we had to do this in english language. Therefore, in order to prevent that nearly nobody reads my blog (who reads blogs anyway? xD) and my work is for nothing, I’ll post it here too… I’ll try to keep this as interesting as possible, promise! ^^
Yesterday started our adventurous journey to Belfast in Northern Ireland. I was so excited about the flight – I’m freaking LOVE to fly!!! I’m afraid that the flight was too short! Then, in Dublin, we took the bus to Belfast. On the road I saw many really beautiful landscapes with all its mountains and green meadows. Coming along with all the blooming cherry trees, the partly clouded sky and the school uniform wearing pupils it reminds me a bit of Japan. xD
Finally in Belfast we met our contact person Kevin Shine and we moved into our houses/apartments were we split into three groups. Friedrich, Riccardo and I had chosen the three men apartment and it IS awesome in fact! Here it comes: The apartment has 2 bedrooms with large beds, 2 little sweet balconies, 2 nice bathrooms – one with a shower and one with a bathtub – and an epic kitchen. Some of the numerous mirrors and windows are dirty but that are peanuts compared to the fact that we have a great chimney in the living room and a washing machine and a dishwasher in the kitchen, not to mention the breathtaking view of the city of Belfast and the mountains on the horizon from one of the balconies. Based on these facts, the whole situation reminds of a holiday trip by now.
Later this evening we walked around the area and did our first buying. After this we had a meal and watched a funny movie called „Sexdrive“.
The next morning starts with a light breakfast. Afterwards we decided to explore the city and go on a few more errands like mobile phone cards and an UMTS-Stick. After a relaxed walk through the city and wondering glances of the numerous sights, especially the pretty girls (and they ARE sights in fact! xD), we found the shops where we can get the phone cards and the UMTS-Stick. The weather, against all expectations, was pretty nice in the afternoon by the way.
Back in our apartment we configured a small ad-hoc network with the UMTS-Stick. In the evening we cooked a meal (pork escalope with mixed vegetables and pasta), relaxed a bit in front of the chimney and finally we wrote the blog. Now it is time to go to bed at last.

… To be continued…
Hey guys,
Today its the second day in Belfast. Yesterday we had a comfortable trip to Ireland. The flight was easy and on the bustour we saw nice landscapes and cute cities (…and girls) from Dublin to Belfast was also wonderfull. Kevin picked us up in the city-center and brought us to the flat. With Riccardo and Steffen together we moved into a greatfull luxurious apartment. The house is locatet in the south of belfast where a lot of villas are. So I think its a very secure place to live and when I smoke a cigaret on one of the two balconies the magnificent view is breathtaking.

Today we went to the city-center to do shopping some basic stuff for our flat. After this hard shoppingtour we relaxed a bit on our couches in front of a nice chimney. During I went jogging to the house where five of our other guys live, my flatmates Steffen and Riccardo prepared the meal. I changed phonenumbers with Constantin and the people from class FSZ85. When I was back at home I took a shower. We ate some paste and now we all sit together in the livingroom and write our textes for the blog.
All in all it was a great start in Ireland and I hope that the practical training will be also great. On friday I have my jobinterview and I hope it will be good.
Greetz Friedrich
Belfast here!
Hi everybody,
the end of my second day in Belfast is not far off. Two interesting days. On monday we arrived at Dublin airport and went to Belfast by bus. There we met our project manager Kevin Shine (very nice guy by the way) and he showed us the appartments. My mate David and myself living together with 3 spanish guys. The first room we saw was the living – room full of balloons. I think this could be very funny with these guys ^^
Today David and I discovered the city and found some nice places and pubs 😉 My job interview for translink is on friday, so we have enough time to settle in. Tomorrow I will visit some football grounds in Belfast and will present it to you by showing some pictures.
Thats all so far …!
Das Auslandspraktikum
Mit der Entsendung von Fachinformatik-Azubis in ein Auslandspraktikum setzt der afib (Ausbildungsverbund Fachinformatik Berlin) im Raum Berlin/Brandenburg nun im zweiten Jahr einen weiteren Meilenstein zur Steigerung der Qualität in der IT-Ausbildung. Die afib-Azubis des Lehrjahres 2009 sind Teil einer Gruppe von ca. 30 Auszubildenden, die ab Mai 2010 einen achtwöchigen Auslandsaufenthalt in Irland verbringen.