Goodbye Germany – hello Ireland

After a fee hours of sleep we had to set off to the airport. After about 2 hours of flying we arrived Dublin. We had to take a bus from Dublin to Belfast but our booked bus was to full so we waited for the next bus. In this time we drank our first Guinness beer and some of us ate something.IMG_0491

From Belfast you our apartments we took a taxi. After unpacking our bags went to the city to buy some food for the next days. Moreover we searched an electric store – 2 Days later we found one.


In This picture you can see the city hall of Belfast. It`s a really beautiful building!







On Saturday we did some shopping in the mall of Belfast. I bought some new clothes and shoes. In the evening we went in a pub and drank some beers. Most of us leaved the pub at 23 pm but Gio Robert and me wanted to go to an other pub.

It was an amazing first night and we met a lot of nice people. I really like the atmosphere in Ireland.










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