Nightlife in Belfast

Hello readers,

the last night was very exhausting, but funny too. First I will tell you the story of the evening.

After our shopping tour, we wanted to go into a Pub in Belfast. Henny, Hendrik, Tristan, Lukas, Robert, Marlon, Marcel and me met at 9.30 pm in front of a Pub. We discussed in which Pub we will enter. After our little discussion, we decided to enter „The Empire“ Pub in Belfast City. That Pub was comfortable. In that Pub, I drank my first Guinness Beer, it was delicious.

First Guinness

After some time in this Pub, they started to play live music. This kind of music is not my taste. It was too loud. We decided to leave the Pub.

The biggest part of the group wanted to go home. Just Marlon, Robert and me wouldn’t go home. So we went in a threesome trough Belfast. We decided to go to another Pub. The Pub is called „Free House“. This was a big Pub, without live music but it was cosy too. We ordered a bottle of Moët as you can see in the picture. Robert spend a another Guinness for me, thanks for that, Robert.


Second Pub


Marlon, Robert and me


About 12 am we left the Pub and walked to Marlon’s and Robert’s accommodation. There we drank much more alcohol.

Our night ended at 10 am in our beds.
This was a funny night, big thank to both.

Now I want to go to bed.

Good night Berlin & Belfast

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