Dear reader,
you are about to see very the first part of the series „How To Survive In Ireland“.
In this episode we try to make the perfect cup noodles, because it is basicly necasary if you don´t want to starve in this harsh enviroment.
Step 1: Grab yourself a bag or a good friend to carry groceries, find the supermarket and the cup noodles of youre choice and you are good to go!
Step 2: Now the magic really starts. Gather all the items in the picture below and proceed with the next step.

Step 3: Read the instructions on the cup and ignore them.

Step 4: Boil the water. For best results don´t use tap water.

Step 5: Open the cup and remove the plastic bag with spices.

Step 6: Pour the hot water in the cup. Attention! Only pour to the very first line! Otherwise your noodles won´t have a taste…

Step 7: After waiting exactly 2 minutes, add the content of the spice and flavour bag in the cup.

Step 8: You are almost finished. Just stir the noodles a little and enjoy your glorious meal with the fork (never use a spoon, this is for safety reasons). After you finished, don´t forget to dispose the trash correctly.
Stay tuned for more!
Ohh, today I used a spoon, the only one we have in our accommodation. Thanks for your safety instructions!
How exotic!
Is that really how you do it?
So glad, I read this.
I choose every time I cooked the noodles a spoon. For me it is even better than a fork. You can try both and get your own opinion. Bon appetit.
„I choose every time I cooked the noodles a spoon..“ What a sentence !!! Please have attention to the time. That’s German style !!! „every time“ could be at the end or the begin of a sentence
Super duupah Ralf,
you found an another mistake. I am very proud. It is very typical for a german to write negative comments =(
Maybe you could be a little bit more friendlier. You forgot that english is not my mother language. I try to give my best, but you nerves me really and that sucks!
It is called „mother tongue“ not „mother language“ :p
Hey Henny why so pissed. Because it’s not your mother tongue I will show you your mistakes to make it better the next time you write an article. If I compare your first article to your last one you write better every time… 🙂
„an another mistake“ is wrong.
Henny it’s „a German“, not „a german“. Have fun 🙂
Play it cool Henny. I love your articles. If there are some mistakes don’t care and ignore Ralf. It’s you and it is not your mother tongue so that matters to me.
You look quite nice :*
Thank you Kasa, you are welcome!
Could you please write more comments.
It would give me great pleasure.
See ya!
No problem sweety :*