Intern Europe Quiz Night

The middle of the second week has been reached and there was a lot to do at work.
This time there arrived seven notebooks that have been damaged by water.

I had the task to test this and repair, if it was still possible. Overall, I was able to repair three of these notebooks.


In the evening there was an event of International Europe. They have planned a quiz night.
First there was the confirmation that we participate in this evening. After that our group of six people (Hendrik, Tristan, Gino, Henny, Marlon and me) was divided so that everyone was in a different group. When the quiz has work begun, each team has five sheets with a total of 48 questions scored. These questions were answered as a team. There were different categories, such as Europe, Belfast, United Kingdom and International Europe. Some questions were easy to answer, but others were not so simple. After all teams have their questions answered, they were tested of correctness.
My team took the second place and the price was a pack of M & M’s.

See ya

Ein Gedanke zu „Intern Europe Quiz Night“

  1. Nice event. So I think that’s a good chance to meet some new people here in Belfast. So enjoy your stay. It’s nice to read your article but also most of these of your afib colleagues…

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